Pesticides Could Be Cause of ADHD

Reuters Health has released findings that children who are exposed to pesticides could put them at a higher risk of developing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This could be promising news to parents whose children are dealing with ADHD. ADHD is a common condition that children seem to be increasingly dealing with. Yet there has been nothing to indicate what causes ADHD. This could be the link that many have been looking for. The pesticides, known as organophosphates, are usually found in produce. However, at this point there is really no way of knowing which products and to what degree … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: August 4th Through August 10th

Did you catch the Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony? We all enjoyed watching most of it as a family and thought it was spectacular. Did you find yourself bouncing or rocking along to the music? Recent research shows that bouncing your baby to music may affect his later music preference in life. We have this story, plus more this past week. Catch up on what you might have missed. August 4th Baby Blog Week in Review: July 28th Through August 3rd Safety and summer fun have been two themes occurring in the Baby Blog for last week. From tougher toy standards … Continue reading

Preschoolers and ADHD Research

ADHD is a common condition that is often identified when a child starts preschool for the first time. It is characterized by the inability of the child to pay attention or focus. Your preschool teacher may discuss the possibility of your child having the condition, but you should have any diagnosis done by a professional before you accept the possibility that your child has ADHD. ADHD is listed by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a serious public health problem that causes significant impairment in school performance and socialization, and for which there is limited effectiveness of … Continue reading

Adults with ADHD in the Workplace

A new study from the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) lose more than three weeks per year in workplace productivity. Researchers from the World Health Organization surveyed nearly two hundred thousand people in thirty countries around the world. They also performed diagnostic assessments on more than seven thousand employed adults in Belgium, Columbia, France, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. According to the data from the World Health Organization, between three and four percent of all adults worldwide suffer from ADHD. However, many adults may not realize … Continue reading

Angelina Jolie Packs Heat in her Own House

With the size of her new home (which is about as big as a small country) and the number of little ones she has to protect I suppose Angelina Jolie presents a good argument as to why she feels the need to arm herself with guns. While others may feel that a home is not a place for loaded guns, especially with a gaggle of kiddies running around, Jolie maintains that her guns are necessary and she wouldn’t hesitate to use the weapons to protect her growing family. And that’s not all the actress, who is pregnant with twins, recently … Continue reading

Adderall: Return to Valley of the Dolls

The reference to the 1967 movie based upon the book by Jacqueline Susann is quite appropriate here. According to the Internet Movie Database: “In the Valley of the Dolls, it’s instant turn-on… dolls to put you to sleep at night, kick you awake in the morning, make life seem great – instant love, instant excitement, ultimate hell!” The story is about three young women just getting started in careers in show business. The “dolls” are pills. Sadly, we’re seeing more and more of Hollywood self-medicating these days. Take, for example, the sad case of Heath Ledger who received prescriptions from … Continue reading

The Frog Eraser Incident

Sometimes parenting is like standing in a dark room, feeling around for the light switch. This week I received a phone call from my stepdaughter *Cassidy’s teacher. An incident had occurred at school involving two little frog erasers. The teacher said that another girl in Cassidy’s fifth grade class found her beloved erasers missing, along with a sinister note, “HA HA I TOOK YOUR FROGS.” The frogs were later found in Cassidy’s desk. When questioned by several teachers, Cassidy couldn’t deny that she’d taken the frogs (having been caught “red-desked”) but insisted she had NOT written the note. The teacher … Continue reading

Why Homeschool?: Energy Level

If I was ever asked to describe my son in two words or less, I would say “pure energy.” I once had a mom with twins tell me she felt sorry for me. Jonathan’s energy is one of the many reasons I chose to homeschool. That statement may not make sense right off the bat, but let me explain. If Jonathan went to public school, I am sure he would be diagnosed with ADHD. If that were the case, I would be pressured to put him on drugs to help with that. If I were to diagnose him, I would … Continue reading

WATCH IT! Help Your Child with Time Management

Do you constantly have to remind your child of the daily schedule? Do you make agreements, like “Fifteen more minutes of TV,” and then deal with a horrible tantrum when the time is up? Does your child need help staying on track with homework? Would you like to help your son or daughter develop a sense of independence and responsibility? Everybody Get In Sync! I recently heard about a private school that was instilling personal accountability and time management in their students. What they did was issue a particular style of wristwatch to each and every child from age four … Continue reading

Negative Reaction Addiction – Could Your Child Have It?

Regardless of your child’s diagnostic “label” (or lack thereof), if your son or daughter is persistently defiant and difficult, he or she might just have an addiction. In this case I’m not talking about a drug addiction, but an addiction to the negative reactions of others. In their book, Transforming the Difficult Child, Howard Glasser, MA, and Jennifer Easley, MA describe difficult children as being “literally addicted to negative reactions.” It sounds a little peculiar, but it makes sense. Some children continue to defy authority, rebel, throw tantrums, and do inappropriate things over and over again. (I’m referring to children … Continue reading