Babies in the News – Couple Freezes Their Daughter’s Growth

The following news story that I want to comment on is a difficult one to discuss. While it is not about a baby per se – it affects all of us who have babies. It affects those of us especially who have babies with special needs or disabled infants. In this case, parents of a young girl who is severely disabled mentally are electing to use medical treatments to prevent their child from growing up physically. They want to keep her child sized the rest of her life because she has only the mental ability of a babe of three … Continue reading

Toddler Dilemmas: Let them Make Choices or Not?

I have heard both sides of this argument. My husband doesn’t like to give the little ones many options, in fact – he’s more inclined to say this is how it is and this is what you get rather than allowing them any independence. Being a parent to a toddler isn’t easy, especially when your little one is determined to explore the world at large at high speed. I like to give them choices, particularly because it offers them a measure of control that they can then us to apply to other problem solving techniques later in life. Here are … Continue reading