A Single Mother’s Struggle

For most of my life, I didn’t think I would be a parent. I lived the single life to the best of my ability during my twenties. I was 28 years old when I found out that I was pregnant. I wasn’t married to my son’s father and knew that we would not build a life together. I made the decision to become a single mother. I decided that from the moment my son was born, I would base all of my decisions on what was best for my child. I have done that for the past few years. Everything … Continue reading

Praise God in the Hard Times?

You’ve got to love children and the things they come out with. Here’s an example from the praise board in the Sunday school room of the local churches. ‘I praise God for making crabs and I’m going to get one.’ Don’t you just love it! It was interesting the other night when at choir to sit and read the things children praised God for. It reinforced what I’d been talking about the other day about how ready children are to praise God and how we can learn from them. Another one I saw recently was from a young woman who … Continue reading

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Part 2

Yesterday we saw how we need to make the most of the freedom we have to further the cause of the gospel, by taking the opportunities we have. As Paul underwent his imprisonment not only the guards came to hear the gospel message but other Christians were encouraged and trusted in God because of the faith they saw in Paul. What’s more, rather than them cowering in fear afraid to speak out, they actually grew in ‘courage to speak the word of God without fear’ Philippians 1:14. Plus, the numbers of believers trusting God was growing. That’s often the way … Continue reading

Black Clouds

Have you ever seen a cartoon or a comic strip featuring some poor soul who has a black cloud overhead following him (or her) wherever he (or she) goes? They can’t get a break. Everywhere they turn, everything they do, doom awaits. I’ve had days where I’ve felt like that. Days where no matter what I try, I can’t shake the black cloud. I know Wayne has too. Usually we don’t experience it at the same time, though, so whoever’s got the sun on their side tries to stand as close as possible to the other. That way we can … Continue reading

When Problems Come

When problems come, as they do to all of us at some time or another, it’s a comfort to have that special one to turn to. This week I was called back after a mammogram for further X-rays and ultrasound etc and I experienced first hand the support and love of my darling husband. As we waited for the days to pass before the tests, he sought always to encourage me. He also prayed for me and came with me when the day for the tests came. Among the women waiting only a couple had their guys with them. The … Continue reading

Marriage Blogger Desperately Seeking Solace

Over in Pets I wrote about how Murphy met the paramedics yesterday when my mom suffered a stroke during breakfast and I had to call 911. I spent all morning in the ER until they admitted my mom to the hospital, and then I stuck around until they got her situated in a room. Except for when I left for two hours from 4:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to finally get some food (I hadn’t eaten all day) and to feed the fur kids and walk Murph, I was in the hospital from nine to nine. Wayne didn’t have time … Continue reading

The Reasons for Scrapbooking From a Real Life Scrapbooker

In the many years that I have been scrapbooking, I have been asked more than once, my reasons for scrapbooking. While my main reasons haven’t ever changed, my goals and layouts and what they reflect have changed. Most people scrapbook to preserve their memories. Some people scrapbook because it is a creative outlet that allows them to be artistic and utilize photographs in the process. While both of these hold true for me, there is a deeper meaning for me, and I hope that my real life scrapbooking will make you reconsider your own layouts and moments that you choose … Continue reading

Life Should Be Easier, Right?

If I’m a Christian, why is God not answering my prayers? Why is He ignoring me? Why is He piling on more than I can handle. I’m a Christian shouldn’t life be easier? Should it? Why should it? Yes, the bible tells us in Jesus we have the victory, 1 Corinthian 15:57. The bible tells us our prayers will be answered, Matthew 21:22, Luke 11:9-10, I John 5:14-15. Yes the bible assures us He will guide and lead us and comfort us, Psalm 48:14, Isaiah 48:17, John 10:3-4,2 Corinthians 1:3-4. So, why does it seem at times that this is … Continue reading

The Pain of Watching Our Kids Struggle

While there is plenty of joy, pleasure and delight in parenting—especially as we watch our children stretch and grow and blossom into their own individual people, there is also some struggle and pain. I think one of the most painful thing for many parents is not what happens to us, but the pain and suffering we endure as we watch our children have to struggle and face some of life’s challenges… I know in my head that I cannot protect my children from everything or make their lives an easy, cushy walk in the park. I even know intellectually that … Continue reading

There Are People Who Are Having a Harder Time

I have found for myself that what keeps me from feeling sorry for myself or getting lost in a sea of single parent self-pity is to simply remember and remind myself that there ARE people who are having a harder time of things. For some reason, it seems to be human nature to get stuck in that “grass is greener” mentality and think that everyone has it better. But that is definitely NOT the case, and there are plenty of people who deserve our compassion and understanding as they have it far worse than we do. You may have heard … Continue reading