“When Are You Going to Have Kids?” – Part II

Yesterday I wrote about a common question Wayne and I get: When are you going to have kids? Well, most of my answers quench people’s curiosity and the matter’s dropped. Others, however, like close friends and relatives, lure me into giving more in depth responses. Like when they question, “But haven’t you wanted to be pregnant? To experience it?” Nope A major part of me abstaining from motherhood is because if I did get pregnant we’d be facing a mighty big meltdown. I don’t do needles. I don’t know words strong enough to sum up my terror of doctors and … Continue reading

Ask a Marriage Blogger: Are You Protecting Your Spouse or Taking Away Their Choices?

A few days ago, I received a private message from a reader and I apologize to her that I’m just now getting around to addressing this question. I have a question and you might be the right person to answer it. I enjoy reading your blogs and I find that many times we are on the same wavelength. A few weeks ago, my husband and I were talking about having children. We’ve been married for two years and his parents are very eager to become grandparents. He’s never expressed a great deal of interest one way or another before, but … Continue reading

Value Of Children Decreasing

It is interesting to note that the value of children seems to be decreasing in the United States. According to the US Census in 1965 the average family with children had 2.44 children. In 2005 the number had dropped to 1.82 children. That means there are an increasing number of families with only one child or no children at all. So why is there a decreased rate in the number of children being born? Kenneth Davison, who has a master in Theological Studies, attributes it to three main beliefs that permeate today’s society: 1. Marriage is focused on the good … Continue reading

When Infertility Becomes an Issue

Infertility is one of the most difficult things a couple can face together. When it comes to deciding to have a baby, most couples begin the natural way. It can take several months before they begin to take notice of the arrival of the monthly cycle with feelings of depression and disappointment. Most doctors define infertility as something that faces couples that have tried repeatedly to conceive a child, but failed to be successful after a year’s worth of attempts. The Emotional Drain It is emotionally draining to desire to create a child only to be routinely disappointed each month. … Continue reading

“Be Fruitful and Multiply”

The first commandment given to the Human Race was stated in Genesis, when Adam and Chava were told to “be fruitful and multiply.” This involves more than just conceiving and giving birth to offspring: raising and educating children is included in this commandment. Judaism places special emphasis on the birth and education of children. There are many rituals associated with birth and early childhood, culminating in a bar or bat mitzvah, when a child reaches an age where he or she can take responsibility for his or her behavior. The Torah says that this commandment of “be fruitful and multiply” … Continue reading