Children 6 Months And Up Can Get COVID Vaccine

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents check with their pediatrician and community health care providers about how to get their children vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended two COVID-19 vaccines: one for children ages 6 months to 4 years, and one for ages 6 months to 5 years. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports this recommendation and encourage pediatricians to promote vaccination and give COVID-19 vaccines. Authorization of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines for children ages 6 months and older … Continue reading

Things You Should Do For Yourself Right Now

Are you someone who makes an effort to help, comfort, and pamper your loved ones? It has been said that many people take much better care of their friends and family than they do of themselves. Typically, there are more women than men that have this tendency, but it does include both genders. Now is the time to start taking good care of yourself, too! Here are some things you can start with right this minute. LifeBuzz posted an article that contained 30 things that everyone should start doing for themselves. You can view it as a guide to better … Continue reading

Late Trimester Test: The Cervical Exam

  As your due date approaches, you’ll start getting more and more checks by your doctor.  Your appointment schedule will increase to every two weeks from around week 30, and then every week from around week 37.  In addition to the fetal heartbeat check, you’ll probably have your belly measured as well, and your provider will feel around your stomach to determine the baby’s position.  Some doctors might even do a vaginal exam for this, if they’re having trouble determining where the baby is. You’ll get your group B strep test, and this might also be around the time you’ll … Continue reading

Protecting Preschoolers from Choking

Dealing with a picky preschooler at the dinner table may be the least of your concerns, according to a new study.  Instead of stressing about your child’s refusal to eat his veggies, researchers warn parents that they should be carefully monitoring four year olds while they chow down on classic kid favorites, like hot dogs, as the number of choking incidents among preschool-aged children is dangerously high. Researchers say a staggering 34 children a day are admitted to hospital emergency rooms due to choking.  That translates to more than 12,000 emergency room visits a year, though the study’s author notes … Continue reading

Avoiding the Brushing Battle

My daughter likes to fight. And by fight I mean win. The kid battles me at every turn:  bedtime, mealtime, chore time, and brush time. The simple act of brushing a few baby teeth has been a struggle since my child was a toddler.  Unfortunately, she still hasn’t outgrown her displeasure with brushing and flossing, but there’s hope for all of you parents dealing with the tumultuous twos and threes right now. To help your child embrace the hygienic task, which he will likely be doing daily for the rest of his life, consider the following: Shopping Trip:  Toddlers love … Continue reading

Ouch – Pregnancy Heartburn

If I had to choose which pregnancy symptom was the most uncomfortable or unpleasant for me, I would say that it was the heartburn. I’m almost getting heartburn right now just thinking about the heartburn that I experienced during both of my pregnancies. Unfortunately, many women experience heartburn during pregnancy. It is one of the most common pregnancy – related discomforts, with just about half of all pregnant women experiencing during one or more of their pregnancies. If you are suddenly feeling the burn, you may be wondering why. There are a couple of reasons why heartburn is so common … Continue reading

Negativity Toward Self

Have you ever considered that the way you see yourself could be a hindrance to a fitter, healthier you?  So often we look at roadblocks as outside sources…lack of time, money, or even our own motivation. Yet if we don’t see ourselves in a positive light, this can also stand in the way of success.  There are a couple of reasons why.  One is that we unconsciously believe that we don’t deserve better. We may look in the mirror, hating what we see and think that this is it…this is the best we can do.  We aren’t worth the time … Continue reading

Focusing on the Positive

Changing a lifestyle can feel like an overwhelming task.  You know you should exercise and that there needs to be serious changes with eating habits.  But where do you even get started? The all-or-nothing approach is a fairly common one.  But it’s also more likely to result in defeat. I used to have that mindset, that if I didn’t make drastic changes at one time, there was no point in trying.  It was all-or-nothing when it came to exercise and eating. So as soon as I messed up (which could be as simple as missing one day of exercise), the … Continue reading

Dental Care is Important During Pregnancy

You already know how important it is to get regular medical care during your pregnancy, but did you know that it is also very important to make sure that you get regular dental care as well? A few things can happen during pregnancy that can affect your oral health. What’s more, your oral health can also have an impact on the health of your baby. Morning sickness can be tough on your teeth in a couple of ways. First of all, many women report that the taste of their toothpaste can bring on a bout of vomiting. The easy solution … Continue reading

What is an Ear Infection?

Today, I read a children’s health statistic that really surprised me. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, nearly seventy five percent of children will have at least one ear infection by the time that they turn three years old. What’s more, of that seventy five percent, half will experience three or more ear infections in their first three years of life. When your child has an ear infection, fluid collects in the Eustachian tubes inside of the ear. Normally the fluid would drain away, but sometimes the tubes become blocked. The result is that bacteria grow … Continue reading