Ways to Help Kids Eat Healthier

Most parents realize that a diet of soda and candy isn’t a healthy choice. What’s a parent to do if their child is a picky eater who refuses fruit and vegetables? There are ways to help kids to eat healthier that don’t involve dramatic fights at the dinner table. Jane E. Brody wrote an article for the New York Times in August of 2015. The article is titled “Another Approach to Raising Healthy Eaters”. In this article, she shares her experience as a child who was a picky eater. She provides some enlightening insights for parents who have a child … Continue reading

Nutritious Food on a Limited Budget

Think you are forced to choose between an affordable grocery bill and healthy, nutritious food? Think again! There are many easy ways to get your family the healthiest food you can, all while spending less at the grocery store. On Tuesday, my friend Amy delivered our half of the CSA farm bounty. Our two families split a farm share, and we alternate pick up. This means that we get fresh, organic produce each week for a cost of about half of what it would be in the store. Among all of the good food were the sweetest organic raspberries that … Continue reading

The Best Healthy Food on a Budget

Most of us are familiar with the Ramen every night diet. It isn’t a plan to lose weight, rather a plan to actually afford food, and it has been made famous by college students or anyone just starting out with only a limited budget. But the Ramen Noodle diet isn’t exactly a healthy one. The “meal” contains high levels of sodium and carbs and pretty much zero nutrients. Yes, it will fill you up for less, but it isn’t something you can use to feed a family and keep them all healthy. Another source of cheap food that people often … Continue reading

Make Mine Fruit

Fruit and vegetables experts agree, are good for you. They can cut the risk of some cancers, help in regards to heart disease and provide all sorts of benefits yet, they are sadly underrated by many people, which I find hard to understand. Fruit and vegetables are among my favorite foods. When it come to fruit, I’m a big wrap for apples, especially Jonathans because they have that tarter taste. But they don’t keep as well as some other apples, and have limited shelf life, which is why orchards have stopped growing them as much. Cameos and Sundowners, and Granny … Continue reading

No More Toys in Santa Clara?

A little decision in Santa Clara County, California has restaurant marketers worried. Ok, they’re not that worried. After all, it’s only one little county. However, taking away from the toys from unhealthy children’s meals is something that many people see as a dramatic step towards healthy food, or towards limits on personal choice. This depends on your point of view, of course. I was listening to an interview with food marketers and childhood health advocates both debating the merits of such a ban. The food marketer spoke in favor of personal choice: parents should be able to choose what to … Continue reading

Healthy Back-to-School Snacks Your Kids Will Actually Eat

If you are a health-conscious parent, then you face a daunting task this time of year. You could go all natural and fill your children’s lunch boxes exclusively with fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, but the likelihood that they would happily devour the healthy goods you packed for them is slim. Your other options include making your own tasty and nutritious snacks or packing “healthier” store-bought options, like the ones listed below: Snikiddy Chocolate Chippers Cookies: The sweet treats contain less sugar than other cookies on the market. They also come in portion-controlled packets, and kids who tested them high … Continue reading

Pomegranate: Nature’s Superfruit!

Okay, whenever I hear something touted as being a superfood or a superfruit, I admit I get a mental image of a little cape, and little tights . . . but maybe they’re on to something this time. Pomegranates aren’t your most common fruit. I think I’ve had one, maybe twice, in my life. They’re kind of hard to eat and you can’t just walk down the street munching one (unless you’re more talented than I am). But look at what they can do for you: Considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world, it contains a huge array … Continue reading

How To Get Your Kids To Eat Healthy

Okay, there probably isn’t one answer to the question: How do I get my kids to want to eat healthy foods? Different strokes for different folks, and all that. What works for one kid may not work for another — even in the same family. But here are some tricks to try to get your kids to love the foods that are good for them! Talk to your kids about what each food does for them. I’ll always remember that “carrots make your eyes sparkle” (in other words, are good for vision) and pizza crusts would make my hair curly. … Continue reading

How To Shop Healthy

Want to give your shopping cart an overhaul? Remodel the foods in your cabinets and fridge? Start with these tips for healthy shopping. Don’t shop when you’re hungry. This is an old rule, but one well worth remembering. Everything looks good when you’re hungry! Don’t shop when you’re stressed or depressed. You may be more likely to give in to unhealthy impulse purchases. Make a list and make it organized. If you’ve been to the same store for years, you have a good idea of where everything is. Organize your list based on where things are in the store — … Continue reading

Eating Healthy on the Run

Sometimes, I’m too impulsive. I’ll get a spur of the moment idea and run with it. That’s how I found myself in a classroom again. I wanted something to do while my kids were in school, so I thought it might be a good idea to take classes, full-time, at a university. My goodness, I wasn’t prepared for it. For eight years, I did what I wanted, when I wanted. Suddenly, I was studying for hours and I had no social life. It wasn’t long before I missed those afternoon naps I used to take… and it showed. I hadn’t … Continue reading