Physical Problems Brought On By Eating Disorders

The whole thing had started as a way to improve Christina’s looks. All it had done over the years was wear her body down. Her hair was thin and lifeless. Her face dry and flaccid. Her eyes, dull and rimmed with red. The skin on her upper arms drooped, robbed of muscle tone. Her body was an odd mix of thin limbs and stubborn stores of fat, seemingly as double-minded about itself as she was. She was tired all the time; tired of the constant battle with her body. At some point, her body had ceased to be her subservient … Continue reading

Spending Time in the Sun

Warmer months are upon us and so that means many of us will be spending more time outdoors. I especially enjoy early mornings out on my deck sipping coffee and late afternoons sitting in my chair reading a good book. Of course, being outdoors means exposure to the sun. I certainly wouldn’t mind a little color but the sun can be very damaging so there are precautions that need to be taken. You can Enjoy Sunshine Without Sun Damage by following some important tips. Now that I am in my early 40’s, I am especially careful about the way I … Continue reading

Benefits of Kangaroo Care

Kangaroo Care is a wonderful way to bond with your baby and improve her health and well-being. There are numerous benefits associated with Kangaroo Care. My husband and I did Kangaroo Care with our daughter nearly 24 hours a day for the first week of her life. We can’t say enough good things about the experience. This blog will discuss the benefits of Kangaroo Care, and why Kangaroo Care worked for us. Many of the benefits of Kangaroo Care center around an amazing feature of the female body. When a baby, wearing only a diaper, is placed between its mother’s … Continue reading

Guys, Watch Your Temper at Work!

Does something at the office just make you want to explode? Maybe it’s not “blowing your top” you should worry about, but blowing your heart. A new study from the Stress Research Institute of Stockholm University in Sweden has found a connection between bottling up anger at work and heart attack risk. Nearly three thousand employed men participated in the decade-long study. None had suffered a heart attack before the start of the study. During the study, however, nearly fifty men suffered from a heart attack or died from heart disease. Many of those men had been “covertly coping” with … Continue reading

Six Winter Skin Savers

Many people have a harder time with their skin during the winter months than any other time of the year! Here are some tips to help keep your largest organ happy during cold weather. Number one: keep up with your moisturizer… especially in the places where you tend to have problems. For me, I find my winter problem spots are the forehead, the knees and elbows, and the feet. And I’m good about applying lotion to my face after I shower… I’m not always so good about the other spots. And they show it! Number two: keep wearing your sunscreen. … Continue reading

Stretch Marks

Your skin is pretty elastic. In many circumstances, your skin can bounce back relatively well from cuts, bruises, scars, or stretching. But when the skin is constantly or too quickly stretched, you may end up with stretch marks. Weight gain and pregnancy are two of the top causes for stretch marks. The dermis — the stretchy middle layer of skin — is where stretch marks occur. At first, stretch marks may appear red or purple in color. With time, they will fade to a pale shade of pink, white, or silver. Stretch marks are most often seen on the stomach, … Continue reading

Beneath Your Eyes

I was watching The Colbert Report the other day, and caught a segment on an FDA-approved mini-laser that is designed to treat wrinkles around the eyes at home. I’m not so sure I like the idea of trying to use a laser anywhere on my own face… let alone around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very delicate — some say the most fragile skin on the entire body. Lots of things can contribute to wrinkles, dark circles, and other damage to the skin beneath your eyes: Sun exposure. UV rays are a major contributor to the development … Continue reading

Three Major Indicators of Heart Attack

The signs of a heart attack can be subtle. Remember my friend who didn’t realize he had a heart attack? Not everyone experiences the same symptoms in the same way when they’re having a heart attack. Knowing yourself is a great way to start. Are you familiar with your risk factors? Have you had your cholesterol levels and blood pressure tested within the last year? If you aren’t at high risk for a heart attack, that chest pain might be gas or heartburn. That pain in your arm might be from rearranging the furniture. But if you are at risk, … Continue reading


A few months ago, I was at the doctor’s office getting a cat bite checked, and the doctor noticed a reddish rash on my arms. She was pretty sure that the rash was folliculitis. Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles. Our bodies are covered in hair, and every hair grows out of a tiny pouch in the skin. That pouch is called the follicle. Any part of the body that has hair can develop folliculitis; it is most commonly seen on the face, scalp, and places rubbed by clothing like the thighs. Folliculitis is usually caused by bacteria … Continue reading

Your Skin in Your 60s

It entirely possible to have beautiful skin throughout your life! As you move into your sixties, you have to deal with skin issues that started in earlier decades plus new problems that can crop up. Skin issues you may encounter as you move into your sixties: Dryness. Your skin has a hard time retaining moisture and natural oil production slows down. Dullness. Cell turnover continues to slow — a process that started in your forties. Dark spots. Between the lack of oil, the loss of collagen and elastin, and the dryness, dark spots can really start to stand out. Bone … Continue reading