Retro Mondays: The Hula Hoop

I know we all like to hear about the latest celebrity gossip, know what fashions are hot, and just read the latest pop culture news in general. BUT, there are times when I like to reminisce about pop culture’s past. After all, there has been a lot of stuff that could classify as pop culture happen in the past 100 years in this wonderful country. So, on Mondays, I am going to start doing a retro blog. I will pick something that made an impact on us and write about it. But, I would like your help. Let me know … Continue reading

Hoop Dancing – It’s Not Just for Kids Anymore

Do you hula hoop? When my daughter got a hula hoop a year ago, she asked me to help her learn how to hula hoop and you know what? It’s not quite like riding a bike – it was hard to learn how to do it years ago and it was harder now when I thought I knew what I was doing. Hula hoops are making a resounding come back in the fitness world and it’s a trend called hoop dancing. The hula hoop is involved, but it’s not the hula you recall instead it’s a series of aerobic classes … Continue reading