Don’t Let Baby Crowd Your Marriage

When a baby enters your family, the whole world seems to change. There is a lot of joy and happiness to go around. Each new day is beautiful and special, and as a mother, you look at life in a whole new way. It truly is miraculous. But, there is something else that comes along with babies that you have to be careful about. It is letting that baby control the world in which you and your husband now live. There is always an adjustment period that comes along with each new life you bring into your family. For a … Continue reading

Letters of Love: My Wife, My Best Friend

Today’s letter of love comes from a husband who reads the blog occasionally, but knows that his wife really enjoys checking here everyday to read the articles and more. He decided, rather on the spur of the moment, to write a letter to his wife and he asked if I would publish it today, because it’s her birthday. So here it is and please accept my well-wishes for a very happy birthday. My Wife & My Best Friend Dear Diane, I hope you get to read this the morning it’s published. I’ve asked the blogger putting up these articles to … Continue reading

Marriage & Love; Love & Marriage

Sometimes we forget that love and marriage both take work. When we are engaged to be married and planning our wedding ceremony, we think the sky is the limit. We know if we aim for the moon, even if we miss – we’ll still be among the stars. We understand, above all else, that we love each other. This is a thought that we need to remember, because that love can sustain us in the best of times and the worst of times. The following is a bit of a personal glimpse, but it was the best way I knew … Continue reading

Fun Friday Marriage Funnies for April 28

Happy Friday! You know how I am here and I love to end the week on a funny note. So I went out looking and here are some funny tidbits I picked up to bring a smile to your face and a bit of laughter to your day: Over at, I found this great little gem: A Fairy Tale A married couple in their early 60s was out celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant. Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table and said, “For being such an exemplary married couple and … Continue reading

Appreciation Exercises

John and Jane were given some appreciation exercises to do – you may be wondering what is an appreciation exercise? An appreciation exercise is an assignment that helps you to express your appreciation for another person by guiding you through it. Some people have a hard time opening up about their emotions and vulnerabilities. It is even harder for a married couple to expose their vulnerabilities to each other when they are not confident about the reception it will receive. When two people are married, there should exist a trust that allows them to be vulnerable with each other. If … Continue reading