Breastfeeding and HIV

Until recently, it has been thought that an HIV positive mother should not breastfeed her baby. However, recent research is showing that breastfeeding is so incredibly beneficial that even HIV positive moms should breastfeed their children. I do need to point out that the research I’m referring to in this blog, has been done in Africa. While I don’t think that this fact makes the conclusions null and void it is something to keep in mind while reading. When I say that breastfeeding increases chances for survival for babies–that may very well be true in Africa where health care and … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: My Breastfed Baby Always Seems to Be Sick. . .

The question being: “I thought breastfed babies weren’t supposed to get sick! What’s up with that? Along with this question I could also add the statement: “My babies were formula fed and never got sick!” The Statistics There are several answers to this but to answer them we have to understand something about statistics on which we are all saying that breastfed babies don’t get sick as easily as formula fed ones. WHO says that if there were a moderate increase in breastfeeding throughout the world, morbidity rates for infants would decrease significantly. Likewise, baby friendly hospitals report that they … Continue reading