What to Do When Satan Interferes

Satan loves to interfere in God’s work, to distract, disrupt, discourage, cause arguments and do all he can from stopping God’s work going ahead. When our daughter, with a team of young people was involved in a mission, Satan tired to interfere. On the day she was to give her testimony, she was so sick. But people prayed and God overruled. She gave her testimony and God’s work went ahead, despite the opposition. Satan hasn’t changed his tactic. Back in Nehemiah’s time, Satan tried to disrupt God’s work and stop it from happening. Nehemiah 6:1-9 Nehemiah’s enemies conspire to harm … Continue reading

12 Creative Date Night Ideas That Won’t Break the Budget

Is your marriage feeling stale? It’s easy to get so caught up with the everyday that we forget to make time for each other and to make each other feel special. To bring the romance back, here are some suggestions for date nights that won’t break the budget. 1. Turn off the lights and light candles. Turn off the TV and put on some romantic music. Curl up on the sofa with perhaps a glass of wine and listen to music. 2. Pack a picnic dinner and head for a favorite beach. Watch the moon rise over the water. After … Continue reading

Unlocking The Secrets To Powerful Testimony

When you are seeking to work for God, how do you handle rejection and discouragement? Jesus can teach us a lot about this. Despite the lack of faith of those in His home town, Jesus did not stop doing God’s work. He went from village to village teaching, Mark 6:6. Jesus did not stay where he got no response but moved on to other villages. If we are not getting a response from those close to us, we might need to also move on to tell people where they are more receptive of Jesus. Rather than cutting back on his … Continue reading