You Tube: How to Swaddle Your Baby

Swaddling a baby is often used to comfort a newborn baby who is used to being in close surroundings and doesn’t quite know what to do with all of those arms and legs that seem to flail around. When done correctly, swaddling can instantly calm a fussy baby (assuming of course that all of the other needs are met, such as feeding, changing and burping). But swaddling is often hard to get. Sure, the nurse at the hospital or birthing center may show you exactly what to do to wrap your infant up as a little burrito, but let’s face … Continue reading

What is Failure to Thrive Syndrome?

Failure to thrive is exactly what it sounds like: your infant, for whatever reason is not gaining enough weight and ‘thriving‘. Perhaps your baby is missing developmental markers as well, such as rolling over, smiling, and/or cooing. Failure to thrive can have so many causes that it may take awhile to diagnose exactly why your infant may not be gaining weight. Failure to Thrive and Weight Gain If you have been blessed with a particularly large baby, eventually your baby will slow down in his rate of growth. My son was in the 95th percentile until about age 2. Slowly … Continue reading