
Are you always striving toward perfection? Wondering why it never seems you can get there with your money? The problem in dealing with absolutes is that rarely does the world work that way. You can get an A-plus in school, but not in life. For those who stress about things like attaining the perfect credit score to finding the best performing mutual fund, you simply cannot win. Instead of worrying about being the best, accept that in the financial world doing very well is enough. Only a very small percent of people have a credit score in the high 700s…so … Continue reading

Scammer Alert

As the nation grows older and the baby boomers hit their prime, a whole new age of scam artists have surfaced. These individuals are smart and savvy, so much so it can be hard to spot them. As the baby boomer generation has grown, so has their income and assets. They are seen as a target group by all kinds of money makers, from the legitimate business owner to the illegal scammer. Most likely you have read about someone falling prey in your own local newspaper. You may wonder how this could happen. Unfortunately some of these scam artists are … Continue reading

Protecting Your Home Business Investments

You may be such a small home-based business start-up that you do not even realize you HAVE investments–let alone ones that need to be protected. So, you don’t have millions of dollars invested in stocks, bonds, property and business equipment–what you do have invested in your home business deserves some looking after. What constitutes an investment? Well, I think your computer, software, fax machine, cell phone, and any product or inventory you have is an investment. So is any education or training or certification you’ve received. I would also go as far as to say that we need to look … Continue reading

Index Funds

The following is a brief financial planning lesson for you. While everyone has their own opinions about where to put your investments, this is one concept we all should consider: index funds. What is an index fund? It is a mutual fund that is managed to follow the average rate of the market it is in (the index). An example would be an index fund for the U.S. stock market. The fund manager’s goal would be to maintain an average increase in the funds value that matches the average overall increase in the stock market as a whole. What are … Continue reading

Warning Signs of Possible Bankruptcy

While many people deal with the occasional financial crisis, others continue down a path of poor debt management and poor spending habits that could eventually lead to bankruptcy. Do any of these apply to you? 1. You do not have a budget or you don’t stick to your budget. Impulsive spending and living beyond one’s means is one of the greatest threats to financial security. Prepare a reasonable budget that you can live with, and allow a little room for flexibility. Maybe give yourself a very small allowance each week for impulse purchases instead of spending money you cannot afford … Continue reading