Genealogy Glossary

There are many words and phrases used in genealogy that we sometimes do not see or use in every day life. To succeed in genealogy, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with them. Listed here are just some of the many words and phrases you may come across during your genealogical research. There is also a list of sites that offer more comprehensive genealogy glossaries. Ahnentafal: A table of someone’s ancestors in which a numbering system is used. This word derives from the the German Ahnen meaning ancestor, and Tafel meaning table. Ancestor: Any person that someone is … Continue reading

How Important is Timing?

Do you want to know God’s timing regarding events in your life? Following on from my last blog about John the Baptist, let’s look at the importance of timing in God’s plans, Jesus’ ministry, in the lives of those who followed Jesus and in our lives. Here are eight points from Mark 1:9-20. 1. Note the importance of timing, as verse 9 is connected back to John’s testimony about Jesus and the Holy Spirit in verse 8. The events meshed together so others could see God’s hand at work and His timing. Similarly I can look at my life and … Continue reading