Answering “What do You Do?”

When you have a title on your door or desk and a cubicle in an office to go to everyday, not to mention a job description typed out and filed away—it can make it easier to tell people what you “do” when you are faced with that constant social question. Working from home can be a little more challenging to explain for some of us—especially those of us who may be doing a few different types of jobs… I love the diversity of the work I do since it hasn’t always been that way. It suits my personality well and … Continue reading

Give Yourself a Promotion

I was chatting with a friend recently and he was asking about the differences between working at a home business and working a more traditional job. He said he needed the structure and the external validation of a traditional job “working for the man”—not to mention the regular paycheck. One thing he said made me chuckle, however—he said, “And you never get a promotion!” It got me to thinking, why in the world not? As a matter of fact, without a boss or board to make the decision, I can give myself a promotion anytime I want! I am all … Continue reading

Do You Consider Yourself an Executive?

I was talking with some friends recently and one of them said that it must be great running my own home business because I’m basically the sole “executive” of my own company. It struck me as an incredibly funny thought because I feel anything BUT cut of the executive cloth. Despite the fact that there are individuals who make a whole lot of money using the same skill set I possess (money I am NOT making), I really don’t think of myself as the bossy, organized, high powered, executive sort. And, I am really not. I think of myself more … Continue reading