Who Is Keeping Score?

Do you find yourself keeping track of who has done what to whom in your life? Perhaps you are still holding a grudge against your ex, or an in-law or maybe even a whole passel of people? I believe that keeping score and holding grudges can get to be a habit—we just tend to worry that we are somehow getting cheated or that we are not getting our fair share and keeping track of what is going on with others around us seems to be a reasonable anecdote. It isn’t. Instead of making us feel better, keeping score can make … Continue reading

Six on Sunday: Romantic Resolutions

Good morning, I love Sunday mornings. It’s the one-day of the week that I don’t have to be anywhere or run any errands unless I want to. It’s a great morning for snuggling on the sofa and watching cartoons with the kiddo or going out for a long and lazy walk with the dog while she rides her bike. It’s also a great day to get romantic with your spouse because hopefully your both free of commitments and obligations and you can focus on each other and your family. So here are six romantic resolutions you can choose from for … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Keeping Score

Keeping score is one of the worst things any married couple can do. Feeling like you owe somebody gets old in a hurry as do constant reminders of past favors or “gifts.” We should not do things or buy things for our spouses in order to make them feel indebted to us. We should do them out of love. Swapping back rubs or agreeing to trade favors is one thing, but consistently doing things just to throw them back at the other person or to manipulate him or her into doing what you want, is not good form. For one … Continue reading

The A-Z Guide to Marriage (G-M)

G = Generosity Be generous with your spouse. He or she is going to make mistakes, but your reassurance instead of an “I told you so,” or other biting comments, will go a long way. Also, be generous with compliments and material things. Share with your spouse. H = Health If you plan to grow old with your husband or wife, you need to take care of yourself. Encourage your spouse to make healthy choices as well. Care for each other when sick, and stand by your spouse through illness or injury. I = I Statements You have probably heard … Continue reading

Family Bowling Night

About ten months ago, my daughter was invited to a birthday party at a bowling alley. She wasn’t even sure what bowling was, but since it was my husband’s turn to take her to the birthday party, she trooped off with a present under one arm. She came back, all alight and happy about the day and desperately wanting to go bowling again. Family Bowling Days A lot of bowling alleys are reinventing themselves to make them more family friendly. Two that I knew of in Virginia didn’t allow smoking on days that they were asking families to bring in … Continue reading