Share a Secret with Your Spouse

Sharing a secret with your spouse can be exhilarating and fun. It doesn’t have to be anything big either. A knowing look, or a word, phrase, or signal that you have romance in mind can even do the trick. For his or her eyes only love notes are also pretty cool. On the other hand, a secret chance to go out and do something together can also be fun. Leave equipped with your cell phone so that you can be reached if necessary, but don’t tell anyone else where you’re going. When asked where you were or what you were … Continue reading

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – In Marriage?

Okay, this is a hard topic for me to write about and I’ll be honest about why – there’s an old saying – everybody lies. We all keep little things from each other whether it’s to avoid a fight or a hurt feeling or because the perception of one person is that the information is inconsequential and therefore easily forgotten. But how can a don’t ask, don’t tell policy benefit your marriage? If You’re Feeling More Than a Little Skeptical At the Moment, Then We’re on the Same Page Do you hide any shopping trips from your spouse? Do you … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Couples Don’t Have to Discuss Everything

Marriage means you shouldn’t keep secrets, right? So is not keeping secrets – telling each other absolutely everything? Not necessarily. There is a fine line between disclosure and privacy. Every couple has a subject or subjects that are considered taboo. The subjects may be taboo because they have either collectively decided to not discuss them or simply left them untouched. The simple fact is conversation and disclosures are two different things. For example, when you are dating and getting to know each other, you are very likely to share humorous anecdotes and tales of your past. You might talk about … Continue reading