The Burning Question: Should Men Lactate?

If you’ve read my blog yesterday about the possibility of male lactation, I left readers hanging as to my personal view on the subject and rather just presented some information to ponder. The summary is yes, men can lactate. The burning question is: should this be the beginning of the revolution of mothering around the globe? Should men and women begin sharing equally the work of. . .breastfeeding? Isn’t the mantra of the women’s lib movement equality and is this not the ultimate in equality between men and women? My short answer to ‘the burning question’ is no, I don’t … Continue reading

When She Still Wasn’t Latching

By mid-morning of my daughter’s second day of life, I was miserable. I didn’t cry or shout or even yell at anything. But I sat there in my bed, staring at this little piece of perfection and felt like a total failure. Why couldn’t I get her to nurse? Two nurses had come by in the last twenty-four hours. Both tried to help me with her, both just kept assuring me to give her time and to keep trying. I was miserable enough that their suggestions felt critical – not exactly something you want to hear when you’re as frustrated … Continue reading