Laugh Out Loud Scrapbook Humor and Jokes

Laughter is the best medicine they say. There is nothing like a good joke or a funny story that can get your adrenaline pumping, your heart racing and a bit of giggling going on. I thought I would take a moment to review some of the past Friday Funnies that made people laugh and smile and share. I absolutely love humorous things about my hobby that make me sit and think… yes, I have been there. It can be fun to laugh at yourself when you are obsessed with a hobby like this. Here are some funny articles that have … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: Hiding Your Scrapbook Purchases

One of the most common things I hear scrapbookers joke about seems to be, where to hide their extravagant purchases from their significant others. While I would never suggest hiding anything in any relationship, and lying is not okay with me whatsoever, I have found some of the following answers and stories to be amusing enough to share. And apparently I am very blessed to have such a wonderful significant other who shares my passion for scrapbooking and not only buys me all my stuff, okay well not all of it, but also enjoys sitting down with me to scrap! … Continue reading

Friday Frugal Funnies: Several Great Laughs

It has been quite sometime since I’ve posted a Friday frugal funny. I decided it was high time I started getting back into it, but after this week there will be a slight twist. Occasionally you will still find a budgeting, frugal living or saving money joke thrown in here and there, but you will also start to see personal stories. Not mine, well maybe some of mine, but others personal trials and tribulations with frugal living. Everyone who has experimented with frugal living and is still learning the ropes is well aware that there are mishaps that happen. Most … Continue reading

Scrapbook Funnies: Addicted to Scrapbooking

As a slightly obsessed scrapbooker, I have collected funny scrapbooking stories, jokes and anecdotes to share with my classes when I teach. I find myself going back and reading them more and more, and getting a chuckle out of them each time. As an active member on several scrapbooking community message boards, I have collected a very large list of reason’s why people are addicted to scrapbooking. I thought I’d end today and this week with a list to make you giggle. I will be posting more each week on Friday to end the week with a laugh. Afterall, laughter … Continue reading