Lemon Seed Cake

Angela started me thinking about lemon recipes, especially given my post on the home blog today. Like Angela I am a big fan of lemons in just about anything, so I thought I’d share with you another favorite lemon recipe. This cake has a slightly unusual combination but it’s one I’ve found people really like, mainly because it’s something a bit different. It doesn’t need icing or frosting, as it has syrup poured over it. Of course as usual, this is a gluten free version. So if you are not gluten free, then simply substitute the self raising gluten free … Continue reading

Frugal Things to Do with Citrus Peels

In my house, we have been going through oranges like crazy. The stores have them all on sale, especially naval oranges and clementine oranges. The kids absolutely love them. I have been picking them up at buy one get one free specials, and two boxes or bags only last the week. Lemons have also been on sale, and I have been incorporating them into meals and making them into vitamin-C packed lemonade. One down side of all of this citrus is that is is certainly generating a lot of peels. My garbage can sure smells nice, but I started wondering … Continue reading

Frugal Cleaning: Using Lemons

Put those lemons to good use in your cleaning to save $$$$! Who doesn’t like the scent of lemons in a nice clean house? Practically every commercial cleaner out there on the market has a version that contains a lemon scent. Sometimes the scent is not just lemon, but “fresh lemon.” I have even seen a cleaner with the scent of a “fresh lemon breeze.” I’m not sure how breezes get to be lemon scented. Perhaps they hold the lemons up to the kitchen window? Regardless, there is a reason behind the lovely scent of lemons in cleaning solutions. Not … Continue reading

Great Uses For Lemons

Lemons are a delicious addition to drinks, meat and soups. They are cheap and easy to find. But are there other ways you can use a lemon besides the traditional flavor boost to drinks and other foods? The are lots of other ways to use this delicious citrus fruit. Coffee Stains You know what I’m talking about. Those stains that look unsightly on the inside of your coffee pot, carafe or thermos? Want to remove those stains? Just add a couple of lemon wedges, ice cubes and salt. Stir it all together vigorously. The acid in that lemon juice will … Continue reading

Watch The Lemons–Mom’s At It Again!

You’re familiar with the adage: “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Well, if you give my mom lemons, don’t expect lemonade; expect a cleaning product. What this woman is capable of doing with a single lemon can only be described as phenomenal (more on that later). In honor of Mother’s Day, I am dedicating this blog to my dear mother. The woman who taught me how to get a hairbrush so clean I almost feel guilty using it on my dirty hair. The woman who laminated a sheet of hand-written stain-removal tips and neatly tucked it into my suitcase … Continue reading