Hints for Avoiding Objectionable Content in Books

Every reader has their own boundaries when it comes to content in books. Some prefer to read books with no language and no violence at all. Others will tolerate a small amount of mild swearing, while others really aren’t bothered by much of anything. Isn’t it great that we have such a wide range of literature to choose from, that we can all find things we like? For readers who prefer their content to be on the mild side, I offer the following tips on book sorting, assuming you’re at the library or bookstore and want to reduce your chances … Continue reading

Manage Your Library Account Online

Have I mentioned recently that I love my library? Are you sick to death of me bringing it up? Well, I can’t help it – I really have the greatest library on earth. One of the things I like best about it is the ability I have to access it online. Depending on where you live, you might have this option as well – ask your librarian the next time you’re in. When I sit down at my computer, I click on the link that takes me to my library. I love it so much, it’s saved in my favorites … Continue reading

More Library Tricks

In the previous article I talked about some tricks that you can use to save even more when you use your local public library. Among the tips were ways to save on late fees and on gas. Here is one more tip on late fees: ask the library to wave the fee! If you don’t make a habit of it, then they probably will be happy to remove the fee for you. That is a neat little secret, huh? Here are some more frugal library tips. Secret stuff Did you know that many libraries have all sort of secret stuff … Continue reading

Library Tricks

Of course the library can be a wealth of frugality, but did you know that there are a few tricks that can help make the library even more of an asset? That is right. You can take a frugal and wonderful thing such as the free library and make it work even more for you. Here is how. Save on gas and late fees Most libraries will allow you to renew your books online, over the phone or both. Take advantage of this to save on late fees and the gas you would use for a trip to the library … Continue reading

Library Book Crisis

Have you ever scrambled around, charging through your house looking for lost library books? Or worse, forgetting that you even had the books in the first place until you get a notice from the library? I can share a little solution that works well for us. We have books from our local public library plus books that my son checks out from his school library. Since I started this system, I have never lost a book or have been late with one yet! And even better, this solution helped resolve a misunderstanding that could have cost us some real money. … Continue reading

Fun Book Storage Ideas

Do you have books spilling every which way and all over the house? Here are some fun and practical ideas for book storage. Cookbooks Store your cookbooks in the kitchen, where they can be easily accessed. I keep mine in a glass-fronted pantry in the kitchen. The books add to the decor of the space and make everything look warm and inviting. Here is a de-cluttering tip: Go through your cookbooks and add a post it not on the pages of every recipe you regularly make or have tried. If a book has less than five post it notes, consider … Continue reading

Getting Bestsellers for Free

I love browsing through the bookstore. There is just so much there. Before my frugal living days, it wouldn’t be odd for me to walk into a bookstore and emerge an hour later will a pile of books and $300 less in my account. Did I mention that I love books? Of course now I employ other strategies to feed my book habit, such as trading with friends, going to book sales, hitting the library and using paperbackswap.com. But one thing I miss about those spending sprees is discovering new books and pouring through the glossy bestsellers. The bookstore always … Continue reading

Librarians’ Day

Today, October 16, is national Librarians’ Day! Librarians are very special people. They introduce the world to imagination, facts, and more. Many people think of the local library when they think of a librarian. However, librarians can be found in other places as well. Most schools now have a librarian. So what is a school librarian? A school librarian is usually used during a cycle of plan periods for teachers. The students go to the library and check out books. The librarian is in charge of ordering and stocking books for the library. Many librarians organize book fairs and more. … Continue reading

Organizing Your Personal Library: De-cluttering Books (2)

Ready to de-clutter those books and have a great new library? If you aren’t sure where to begin when you are de-cluttering books, don’t worry. You can come along with me. I’ll de-clutter my books, too. We will take an overwhelming task and break it down into easy steps. One of the biggest obstacles with de-cluttering books is knowing what you should get rid of and what you should keep. Here are some practical guidelines to help you decide. Do you know the guideline for general de-cluttering of stuff? It says that if you haven’t used it in a year, … Continue reading

Organizing Your Personal Library: De-cluttering Books (1)

Want some easy and mostly painless ways de-clutter your books? Here are some tips that will make the job easy. De-cluttering books can be tough. I love my books, so letting any of them go can really hurt. But the reality is that if there are books scattered throughout the home, on surfaces and floors where they can get damaged, or overstuffed into shelves where they are so bent that they look like they are doing the wave, well that isn’t really love, is it? Think of your books as your collection, your own personal library. Only allow in books … Continue reading