Credit Card Debt

Last month, Miriam wrote a very good blog on Five Tips to Help you Stop Using Credit Cards. It’s very interesting, and good advice for those who need to get a handle on their spending (which would be the overwhelming majority of us!) If you have a lot of debt, you may want to add another couple of steps – first, negotiating a better interest rate. Some night when you’re not stressed, take out all your cards and their statements. Arrange them from high to low interest. Is there a big range? Assuming that your credit isn’t in shambles, you … Continue reading

The Best Ways to Save Water

Want to save some cash? Try saving your water. Here are some easy ways to save, drop by drop. Run the dishwasher and clothes washing machine with full loads only, unless you can adjust the water level to the size of your load. Reuse water when you can for watering plants, the garden and your lawn. Find and repair hidden water leaks. Here is a simple test to see if you have any hidden water leaks. First read your water meter. Then read it again in two hours, when you are sure no water is being used. If there is … Continue reading