The Burning Question: Should Men Lactate?

If you’ve read my blog yesterday about the possibility of male lactation, I left readers hanging as to my personal view on the subject and rather just presented some information to ponder. The summary is yes, men can lactate. The burning question is: should this be the beginning of the revolution of mothering around the globe? Should men and women begin sharing equally the work of. . .breastfeeding? Isn’t the mantra of the women’s lib movement equality and is this not the ultimate in equality between men and women? My short answer to ‘the burning question’ is no, I don’t … Continue reading

Dad’s that Breastfeed: Literally!

A while ago, I wrote a blog about my husband and his perspective on breastfeeding. I’ve been breastfeeding for eight years pretty much without a break and so you have to figure that he does indeed have a perspective worth sharing. I wrote 8 tips to help dads while their wives are breastfeeding and shared some of my husband’s thoughts on the whole process. As my husband puts it: breastfeeding is for manly men. Well, I recently found out that men can breastfeed! No, not help their wives by supporting them in whatever way possible. . .men have mammary glands … Continue reading