Maintaining Your Weight Loss After Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet

By now you’ve completed the Master Cleanse (also known as Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet or the Lemonade Diet) and completed three days (Day #1) (Day #2) (Day #3) of gently allowing your body to adjust to processing solid foods once again. You should start your fourth day off the cleanse with easily digested foods such as unsweetened fruit juice, vegetable soup (from day two), vegetable salad or fresh fruits. If you’ve spent any time during your fast considering your lifestyle and the foods you used to eat, you’re probably pretty anxious to get started on a healthier lifestyle now. Coming … Continue reading

Coming off Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet, Day #3

Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet Coming off Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet, Day #1 Coming off Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet, Day #2 Support Forum for Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet This is the third day of your three-day transition from the Master Cleanse (also known as Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet or the Lemonade Diet). Your system has been totally cleansed and you are slowly easing your body into getting used to processing food again. You should be feeling pretty fantastic! You should start day three with a light breakfast of orange juice. For lunch, you can have more of day two’s vegetable soup. … Continue reading

Coming Off Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet, Day #2

Continued from Day #1 On day two coming off the Master Cleanse (also known as Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet or the Lemonade Diet), you can begin to introduce more into your system than just orange juice but you aren’t ready for steak and salad just yet. Just as you did on day #1, feel free to drink several glasses of orange juice or orange juice mixed with water as well as herbal teas. You should also continue to drink plenty of water! For lunch and dinner on Day #2 you can try a light vegetable soup and one or two … Continue reading

Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet

Beyonce Knowles says not to do this but openly admits that she used it to lose 20 pounds in 10 days during the filming of Dreamgirls. While we appreciate comments below the blog, please click here to bring your questions to our forum dedicated specifically to the Master Cleanse and find out more about this fast. There you’ll find plenty of people who have successfully used it and even find a downloadable copy of the official Master Cleanse. Just click here now! The former Destiny’s Child singer who has a very successful solo singing career as well as an acting … Continue reading