Expect Business Cycles

Business is not linear; it is not a matter of marching steps from A to B to C. I know that it may seem like the business world should be all about numbers and charts and spreadsheets, but the fact is, your business and your industry has cycles and a tendency to be up and down and unpredictable—just like other aspects of this human life! We can get lulled into expecting a perpetual upward trajectory for our business because it tends to seem that way in the beginning of starting a business. After all, we are starting from zero and … Continue reading

Networking with Writers: Share those Leads

Any freelance writer loves finding great leads. We all appreciate it when another writer shares a market that seems like a perfect fit. Sometimes we see items and think they would fit another writer we know perfectly, but do we always share this information? Since freelance writing can be highly competitive, it may be tempting to avoid sharing leads. We may be tempted to submit something ourselves instead. There is no reason we cannot submit and share the lead with others. Most publications, especially those that put out a call for writers, need plenty of material. Even if you and … Continue reading