Therapist Induced Marital Suicide

Can seeing a therapist actually destroy your marriage rather than repair it? The 1950s is about the time that people really started addressing marital issues and discord in any kind of systematic or institutional way. That’s not to say that pastors and ministers didn’t offer family counseling and moral support, but as an industry – marriage counseling didn’t really exist. The 1950s really focused on traditional marriage with a focus on gender roles. This was the decade after World War II and woman had a taste of working and being more independent. They left the workforce in droves as soldiers … Continue reading

Who Ya Gonna Call? Divorce Busters!

Have you ever heard of Divorce Busting? It’s a program designed by Michele Weiner-Davis to help couples save their marriages. Michele doesn’t believe in throw away relationships, and she’s spent the past couples decades counseling troubled couples. She has a center in Illinois (the Divorce Busting Center) and more recently has opened another in Colorado. She has also written several books (listed below) and has a website. If your marriage seems to be crumbling and you don’t know what to do, and would like to talk to someone right away, you can sign up for a consultation by phone. Divorce … Continue reading

Marriage Resources: Where to Get Help

One of the problems married couples face together or individually when they are encountering issues in their marriage is where to go for help. The following are some resources you, your spouse or others might be able to make use of when you are encountering difficulties. Domestic Abuse Domestic abuse is a serious problem, if you or someone you love is suffering from domestic abuse, contact the following resources: National Hotline for Battered Women – 1-800-799-SAFE Wife Beating and Elder Abuse Help Center Clearinghouse on Family Violence – 1-703-385-7565 Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence – 1-206-634-1903 … Continue reading

10 Signs That Indicate Your Marriage May Need Therapy

Marital therapy, depending on the therapist and the format, can provide a positive extension to a couple’s relationship. It can help to repair damage, overcome obstacles and assist a couple in their rediscovery of each other. But what signs indicate that the marriage needs help? When does a couple decide that marriage therapy is something they need? 10 signs that indicate your marriage may need therapy include: You and your spouse are not communicating even when you talk everyday Anger and arguments are the rule of thumb in your household and not the exception The blame game is played regularly, … Continue reading

Mindless Does Matter

“Contrary popular belief,” says Dr. John Gottman, the professor of psychology who founded the Gottman Institute. “It is the mundane events of everyday life that build love in marriage. Connecting in the countless mindless moments that usually go by unnoticed establishing a positive emotional climate.” Gottman’s research over the last 25 years has lead Gottman to the following conclusions: Only 20% of divorces are caused by an affair Marriages Die with a Whimper So if only 20% of divorces are caused by an affair (which flies in the face of all the muckety muck promoted by soap operas) then the … Continue reading

Weekend Marriage Seminars?

Have you read about places where you can go for a weekend marriage seminar? There are several different offerings out there on the web, in local areas offered through religious organizations and by marriage therapists and more. One such place is Their seminars occur in different cities during different months and it’s a three day seminar on helping you rebuild your communication skills. Why a Weekend Seminar? Why would a weekend seminar benefit you rather than seeing a marriage counselor or coach on a regular weekly basis? What makes this type of help different? There could be multiple reasons … Continue reading

Marriage Counseling is a Process

I’ve read lots of things about marriage counseling and I’ve even been to it with my husband. Once upon a time, I thought admitting that we needed a counselor meant we were just delaying the inevitable. After all, if you need a counselor – well you must not have much of a marriage. Occasionally I am prone to real bouts of stupidity and insecurity. Thinking about marriage counseling in that light is a demonstration of those feelings. Seeking out a marriage counselor may be an indicator that you need help, but it also shows you are willing to get it. … Continue reading

The One Where They Get Help

John and Jane were at an impasse. Their marriage was in crisis. They knew it, they tried to work it out between them, but the rifts seemed to grow wider and wider. The words that sum up brilliantly what they experienced are found in the words that open the movie Mr. And Mrs. Smith “The silence keeps growing between us, filling up with all the things we don’t say.” The silence between John and Jane, punctuated by bouts of anger and accusation, hurt and desperation, grew wider. They recognized that it would continue to expand unless they found a way … Continue reading