“When Are You Going to Have Kids?” – Part II

Yesterday I wrote about a common question Wayne and I get: When are you going to have kids? Well, most of my answers quench people’s curiosity and the matter’s dropped. Others, however, like close friends and relatives, lure me into giving more in depth responses. Like when they question, “But haven’t you wanted to be pregnant? To experience it?” Nope A major part of me abstaining from motherhood is because if I did get pregnant we’d be facing a mighty big meltdown. I don’t do needles. I don’t know words strong enough to sum up my terror of doctors and … Continue reading

“When Are You Going to Have Kids?”

Because Wayne and I have been together so long, we often get the question: When are you going to have kids? (Or some derivative thereof.) The Answer Probably never. The Inevitable Follow Up Questions “Can you have kids?” “Do you like children?” (for those who haven’t seen us with kids), or “I can’t believe you don’t have any kids. You’re so good with them. Are you sure you’re not ready to be a mom?” (for those who have seen us with kids). “What are you waiting for? You’re not getting any younger.” The Inevitable Follow Up Answers No, we’re not … Continue reading