Organizing and Storing Homeschooling Materials

In Setting Up a Space for Homeschooling, Valorie discusses having a room specifically for homeschooling. I agree with her that having a room specifically for homeschooling would be a wonderful option, if you have room in the house for it. Sadly I don’t, and neither do a lot of other people including her. As she said, just because you have a room designated for homeschooling doesn’t mean you have to do all of your homeschooling in that room. If I had a room for homeschooling, its main purpose would be to have all of our homeschooling items in one place. … Continue reading

Child Sized Vs. Full Sized–Which is Better?

In our family, we have the joke about the Easy Bake Oven. As background, we are a family where cooking and food preparation takes center stage. My kids have grown up in the kitchen and they are all three quite able to make an omelete or bake a cake and have been helping me out in their little aprons since they were toddlers. When my eldest daughter was elementary-school age, she so badly wanted an Easy Bake Oven and received one as a gift for Christmas from a grandparent. She used it once and when she saw how tiny the … Continue reading