Smoothing Out Misunderstandings

Even those people who fancy themselves great communicators occasionally run into situations where they get into misunderstandings with customers and clients. For the rest of us, who might not kid ourselves into thinking we are excellent business communicators, misunderstandings can be a regular occurrence. So, what can be done to address and smooth out difficulties when misunderstandings occur? For some reason, I am one of those people who often finds myself in a peace keeper role. It happens less now that I am working on my own than it used to. In my many years of working with nonprofit organizations, … Continue reading

Look Beyond the Headlines!

I always thought it goes without saying, but in light of recent comments left on my blog, I think it needs to be said: don’t believe everything you hear! Today there are so many sources of news and information, some reliable and some definitely not, that you must be sure you can trust the things you hear or read. It is also important to get beyond the news headlines. News is, by its very nature, sensationalized. Television stations gain viewers and advertisers by having highly controversial, “hot” stories. Likewise, newspapers and magazines sell subscriptions by having cutting-edge, sensational headlines. Good … Continue reading