Overmyminutes.com: Keep Track of Your Cell Phone Usage

In the world of cell phones, there are two kinds of people. There are those who never use up their minutes and have a roll over plan that continually forwards them to some distant future when cell phones will be imbedded in people’s brains instead of carried around on a hip or in a purse. There are also those who continuously go over their minutes and have to pay a large cell phone bill every month. Both types of people could benefit from keeping track of their minutes. The folks that have more minutes than they are using may see … Continue reading

The First iPhone Bug

Before the release of the iPhone, there were many questions about how to get one, what the interface and functionality would be like, etc. After the release there was a new question: What sort of bug might appear? This is nothing against Apple, which has one of the lowest rates of hardware or software bugs out there, or the iPhone itself. It is just that with technology, especially cutting edge technology, there are bound to be a few critters that sneak in here and there. Well, the first iPhone bug has been found and acknowledged. Yesterday, Apple officially declared that … Continue reading

Are You Technically Rude?

With all of the great new surges in technology we are experiencing, lately, it seems that poor old Emily Post is having a hard time keeping up. That is, there is often an entire collective phenomena of “unconscious rudeness” that happens several times a day, every day. Take this morning for example. I went for a lovely walk outdoors. It was serene and peaceful; very zen. That is until someone who was walking a few feet behind me decided to make a cell phone call. I got to hear all about this person’s life; how she suspected her husband of … Continue reading

The iDay Frenzy

The Apple iPhone is due to be released and available for sale today, starting at 6 p.m. Starting Yesterday (Thursday), thousands lined up in anticipation of buying their iPhone, tolerating everything from sticky heat and humidity to torrential rains to make sure that they are among the first to get their hands on the coveted device. Apple and AT&T have not disclosed how many units will actually be available for sale, although some analysts predict that the demand will far exceed the availability. This news, combined with the hype surrounding the iPhone has led to a frenzied panic among consumers … Continue reading