Need a Boost of Valor, Moms?

When we think of “acts of valor” images of soldiers emerging victorious from the battle field come to mind. While we may not face enemies on a literal battle field, as moms we face battles of our own. From a child who has to be told not to touch the TV about fifty times a day to chicken that refuses to defrost by dinner, we continue to fight with an apron tied tight while balancing a laundry basket on our heads. We refuse to give up on our families, homes, and children. It takes courage to be a mom. But … Continue reading

Broken is Beautiful

I shared this story on my Facebook fan page for my personal blog.  When I posted it I did not expect such a response.  However, the simplicity of the message touched hearts. “My seven year old was playing and somehow knocked over my Willow Tree statue. It broke in half and the girl’s elbow also broke off. She looked panicked when she told me. I was sad but not angry. She then took clear school glue and glued it back together and proudly told me she fixed it. The glue doesn’t hold it the best and you can see the … Continue reading

Hang in there, Mom

Things aren’t always flowers, rainbows, and butterflies when it comes to being a mom.  During those times of weeds, rain, and creepy crawlers, we may even be tempted to slap Miss Loving Mom across her smiling face.  Where does she get off telling me to enjoy every moment?  She can come over and enjoy every moment of a tantrum if she wishes.  I am heading for the nearest coffee shop to regain my sanity. Let’s be real for a moment.  Motherhood is messy.  During those messy times we may not relate to the beauty but the beauty is still there. … Continue reading