When Your Toddler Puts Things in His Mouth

One of the challenges of being the parent of a toddler, especially a very young toddler, is that toddlers like to put everything and anything into their mouths. If they can pick it up and it will fit, into the mouth it goes. For some reason, it seems like Blake started this everything – into – the – mouth behavior well before becoming a toddler. Now that he is a toddler, he still does it and I have no idea when this particular phase will end. Since I know that I am not the only one who is constantly checking their … Continue reading

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can be a situational problem — like getting nervous before making a speech — or a chronic problem. Chronic dry mouth occurs when saliva glands don’t work properly. Chronic dry mouth could be caused by medication or chemotherapy, it could be nerve damage from a head or neck injury, or it could be a disease that affects the saliva glands themselves. If you do experience chronic dry mouth, you should talk to your doctor or dentist. But for situational dry mouth (or while you’re waiting to see your health care professional) you can try these tips: Sip water … Continue reading

Help for Canker Sores

Canker sores are small ulcers that appear inside our mouths. They begin as a small red dot that will form a white head and eventually rupture and leave an open sore. These are slightly different from the also common cold sore. Cold sores are caused by a herpes virus, appear outside of the mouth, and are highly contagious. Studies have yet to prove just exactly why we get canker sores. Some scientists suggest they are inflammatory/stress response, the result of an injury, something that is hereditary, or caused by bacteria or viruses. Junk food, stress, acids, tobacco, dehydration or the … Continue reading