5 Free Family Activities You Can Do Today

Forget buying the latest video game or springing for a couple of hours at one of those indoor kids activity places. Instead, try one of the following free family activities that you can do today. Zero cost but lots of fun. 1. Go for a Hike…Literally Being outdoors in nature instantly calms you and raises your spirits. Studies have proven it over and over again. Plus kids really do thrive on fresh air and exercise. A hike, or even just a walk in the park, can be an activity that the whole family can enjoy. Plus, it is free. Bonus … Continue reading

How to Plan a Family Movie Night

If a typical television evening in your home is three different televisions showing three different shows at the same time then it may be time to introduce a fun family movie night. This event is a great way of bringing your family together. Here are some ideas about how to plan a family movie night. Pick a day and time This is the first step in planning a family movie night. You can choose to make it a one-time thing or have it as a regular family event. Friday nights are usually a great time to plan a family movie … Continue reading

Movies Two Ways

Everyone in my family loves movies. We like to go to the movies. And we like to rent them and watch them at home, too. My kids are counting the days until Shrek 3 comes out. And we are also looking forward to Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. So many movies are coming out this summer! To keep expenses down, we almost always go the matinée showing of new movies. When you multiply the cost times five, it’s still a lot of money – but at least it’s a little less. We … Continue reading

Family Traditions: Movie Nights

It’s funny how family traditions sometimes have a way of forming all on their own. Tyler and I have an unspoken tradition. Lately, Friday nights have become our unofficial movie night. Friday’s have become synonymous with pizza, popcorn and a movie. Sometimes I throw in some gummy worms, just to keep it interesting. It means getting down on the floor with the lights out and snuggling close together. I’m not exactly sure how it morphed into this tradition but I realized that I have started to really look forward to it. And so has Tyler. Family traditions don’t have to … Continue reading

Some Twists on Family Movie Night

Maybe you already set aside an evening regularly to watch movies as a family. This can be a fun way to spend some extra time together. You can take turns selecting movies or have a movie marathon, allowing each family member to select a favorite. This time of year it might be fun to sit down together and watch classic holiday specials. You can rent movies, go pay per view, view movies you already have copies of, or choose from those available in your TV listings. You can make special treats or snacks or have “party food” instead of a … Continue reading

Family Movie Night

Yes, we just talked about television this morning with watching Saturday morning cartoons, but there’s another family fun tradition that we employ in this household. It started a little over a year and a half ago and it’s grown into a stimulating evening of relaxation and mirth together. Movie night initially began as my way of sitting down with Cassidy to watch movies that might spawn questions. She is a huge fan of the Harry Potter films, but they can be difficult for young ones to watch. We’d make up a bowl of popcorn, get some M&Ms and the drinks … Continue reading