Oh Snap, He Took Another Nap

Ah, nap time. Most of the time, it is a relief when your toddler naps. After all, many kids need at least one nap a day until they are about five years old. Of course, my oldest son, Dylan, gave up regular naps around the age of two and a half. He naps maybe once a week, if that, on days when there is a conveniently timed car trip involved. Blake is 17 months old now, and has been napping only once a day since around his first birthday. When your child transitions from two naps a day down to … Continue reading

The Noon Bell: An Enemy To Napping Babies Everywhere

I grew up in a large metropolitan area. There was no open space between cities. People from all different walks of life lived together in harmony. Most importantly, there was no noon bell. I understand that small towns have certain traditions and quirks that have been going on, well, let’s be honest, since the beginning of time. Some of these traditions are important to the people who live in these towns. They give character and personality, and residents are attached to them. For example, the small town in which I went to college had a giant glockenspiel. The music coming … Continue reading

How Long Should a Good Nap Be?

I have mentioned before that concerns over whether or not a child is getting enough sleep start early for most parents. We start by fussing over how to get them to sleep through the night and how to balance out all the sleep needs and schedules in a family. Soon, we are trying to come up with a good, working bedtime routine and as our children grow and their sleep patterns change and shift, we have to adjust to these as well. One of the questions that comes up concerns napping–not only how old a child should be when he … Continue reading