The Aging Narcissistic Parent (2)

The person who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder finds the aging process more difficult to deal with than the average person. Looks fade, the body no longer responds like that of a young healthy person, and the mind is no longer as sharp as it once was. All this contributes to an increasing sense of entitlement of the behalf of the narcissist. Entitlement simply means that the person believes that they are entitled to special treatment; in fact, they should get it as a matter of course without having to ask for it. Many teenagers display this trait but happily … Continue reading

Narcissism—Symptoms and Treatment (1)

Narcissism—A Love Affair with the Self: It’s one thing to have a healthy self-esteem, but it’s quite another to have such an inflated sense of importance that other people’s feelings, beliefs, and thoughts have no relevance. Narcissists possess a sense of personal entitlement, meaning that they expect people to cater to their every whim, to notice they have a new shirt, to anticipate their every need, and respond accordingly. Caught up in their own personal universe, the narcissist has no time for the feelings and wants of others. Talking to a narcissist can be a frustrating exercise—if you have a … Continue reading