Frugal and Natural Home Remedies

I love natural home remedies for everything from coming down with a cold to stomach cramps. These natural remedies can be pretty inexpensive, too. The next time you need to heal, grab the solution right from your own pantry. Chances are that you already have everything that you need on hand. Starting a Cold Who doesn’t dread that classic tickle in your throat, the swollen feeling that tells you that you are about to come down with a cold? To sooth inflamed tissues, loosen mucus before it takes hold and flush out irritants or bacteria that can make you sick, … Continue reading

The Natural Healing Debate

Herbal healing can be a somewhat controversial subject. To some people, natural remedies are outdated and useless. To others, natural remedies are far superior to manmade medicines and invasive treatments. I like to take a middle ground, and use natural remedies to supplement other treatments. You may have seen my occasional struggles with sinus infections here in the Health Blog. Because I’ve had chronic sinusitis and ended up having surgery to cut away infected tissue in my sinuses, I try to be very aware of what’s going on in my sinuses. At the first sign of pressure, I break out … Continue reading

Treating Colds During Pregnancy

Colds are so common that most pregnant women will get one at some point during pregnancy. In general, colds are not dangerous for you or the baby. They are uncomfortable and you may need to treat the symptoms. Antibiotics won’t work on colds, since they are caused by viruses. There are numerous cold medicines on the market. Some are considered safe during pregnancy, but most are not. Always ask your doctor before taking any over the counter cold remedy to be sure it will be safe for your baby. Decongestants, such as Sudafed are used to relieve the congestion associated … Continue reading

Natural Remedies Against Hot Flashes

Studies show that treating menopausal women with a pill containing Rhubarb extract reduces the frequency and severity of hot flashes. Especially in perimenopausal women the extract had a positive effect. This is a period just before menopause really sets in, when women start experiencing irregular menstrual cycles. Traditionally, hot flashes were treated with hormone replacement therapy, but the relationship between these hormones and heart disease and breast cancer has led to the search of alternatives. Hormone replacements should only be used in the short term, and are not a good long term treatment plan. A less risky substance could be … Continue reading

Reclaiming your place in the world (2)

In Reclaiming your place in the world (1), we looked at the subtle but significant effect that our day-to-day environment has on our mental well being. We saw how troubled children with diagnosed behavioral disorders responded to small but significant changes in their environment. Today we look at ways you can make changes to your environment so that you and your children can reconnect with nature and avoid “dis-ease” in your life. While the myriad of technical advances that have occurred in the 20th century have made our lives in the 21st century noticeably easier, it has come at a … Continue reading

Natural Remedies at

There are always a lot of things going on at, so you may or may not have noticed a new tab at the top for Reviews. Everything from cars to cameras to vacuum cleaners to car seats is here! If you’re curious about a new product or want to voice your opinion on something you’ve tried, this is the place to go. If you click on the Health section of the Reviews, you’ll find information about weight loss products, health clubs, and more than a hundred different natural remedies for common health problems like: Acne Arthritis Bladder Infections Cold … Continue reading

Frugal Uses For Baking Soda

Baking soda is another one of those inexpensive, versatile products. It can be used for so many different things around the house. Being a frugal mom, I’ve found dozens upon dozens of uses for baking soda around the house in every room! These are just a few of my favorite uses. Diaper Rash Soother Put a half cup of baking soda in a warm bath. Soak for around 10-20 minutes. Let the skin air dry after the bath, and the diaper rash is almost better. I bet there is no pain and by the next day, it’s gone! Carpet Deodorizer … Continue reading

The Sinus Experiment: Day Three

Yes, I know I skipped a day. Yesterday I gave myself permission to NOT work and instead spent most of the day reading, knitting, and napping. It was just delightful. I got a little worried as Day One of the Sinus Experiment went on, because my headache and sinus pressure was getting worse. Late in the afternoon, I started honking out icky yellow mucus that had been loosened by the sinus irrigation, and that eased a lot of the pressure. For Day Two, I repeated the procedure: as soon as I got up, I took a dose of goldenseal and … Continue reading

Peppermint For Digestive Health

Want to add an easy to grow, sweet smelling, aromatheraputic plant to your garden? Grow peppermint! Peppermint has long been used as a digestive aid. The ancient Egyptians used peppermint to soothe indigestion; modern herbalists recommend it for other stomach problems, too — like nausea, diarrhea, and even hiccups! Now research is showing that adding peppermint to your diet can help ease the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome! Peppermint helps ease stomach spasms because it has a relaxing effect on digestive tract muscles. The drawback is that you may see an increase in acid reflux or heartburn, because the peppermint … Continue reading

Bach Flower Remedies: An Overview

Thanks to the sale section at my local Barnes & Noble, I picked up a book on Bach Flower Remedies. Anybody ever heard of these or used these? It sounds quite interesting in concept… the idea is that there are seven different kinds of emotional problem: • Fear • Uncertainty and Indecision • Insufficient Interest in Current Circumstances • Loneliness • Over-Sensitivity • Despondency or Despair • Over-Concern for the Welfare of Others There are 38 different remedies that ease any one or several of these major emotional problems. Dr. Bach developed the remedies after noticing that individual people had … Continue reading