Un-confusing the Nipple Confused Baby

Just in case I didn’t make the point perfectly clear in my last blog, the easiest thing to do is to avoid nipple confusion entirely by not giving the baby anything besides your breast until breastfeeding is well established–this includes pacifiers and/or bottles of expressed milk! However, if your baby is hospitalized that just might not be possible. For us, we already had other children at home and I simply couldn’t be at the hospital for every feeding. There was no other alternative but to feed Meghan bottles while I was not there. While most babies transition easily between breast … Continue reading

What You Need to Know About Nipple Confusion

From everything that I read before beginning to breastfeed, I thought that nipple confusion was the end all to nursing and THE thing to prevent from happening. In my mind, it was one of the worst things that could happen to you and your baby. Now I’ve been nursing at least one baby for eight years, and I know better. There are worse things that can happen than nipple confusion. Mastitis, thrush, or dealing with a poor latch are all more painful than nipple confusion. Nipple confusion is when a young baby is introduced to too many different types of … Continue reading