Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

I do not particularly like Math. In fact, when I finished my bachelor’s degree, I did everything I could to avoid taking a single math class, or a science class that required much math. I am just not keen on having to work with numbers. Now, as all of you other home business owners out there know–there is just no way to run your own business, without having to do some work with numbers. Even if we cannot stand math and don’t consider numbers to be our friends, we do have to learn some basic bookkeeping, money management and for … Continue reading

All About House Numbers

Choosing and installing new house numbers can be a great idea for your home. New house numbers can really add to your home’s curb appeal. They may even make it a safer home, too. How? Well let’s say you needed emergency services; hopefully you never will. But if you do, easy to read house numbers will make it easier to find you. Here is what you should know about house numbers. Obviously, you want to choose a number that can be seen from the street. At the same time, you don’t want to overwhelm you house or your neighbors by … Continue reading

Kids Need Brain Fitness, Too

The old motto of use or lose it applies to our brain as much as it does our body. We know that if we don’t exercise our bodies regularly, they won’t stay in tip-top shape. The same thought applies to our minds, especially the growing and developing minds of our children. Their brains are constantly developing, learning, growing and changing. We need to help them tone and strengthen it and this isn’t just about education and going to school. There are plenty of ways we can promote brain fitness in our homes and with our children. The following are a … Continue reading