Obnoxious Husbands

Are any of your girlfriends married to obnoxious husbands? Or do you ever run across couples while you’re out and about and witness an exchange between them that makes you think, “Wow. That guy’s really obnoxious. How does she put up with him?” I have a couple of friends who are married to husbands who would be too much for me. They’re nice enough guys, and they love their wives to pieces (which is how I’ve determined my friends put up with them), but I couldn’t do it. My personality would clash with theirs. Because of my experiences with my … Continue reading

“I’ll Get Right On That”

Lately, this has become my son’s response to requests that come from me. I remind you that my son is currently 15 and all sorts of challenging! He isn’t being obviously rude, but it is more a covert way of putting me off without either ignoring my requests or saying something snarky. I am not sure, however, if this is a step forward or a step backward. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell with teenagers! “Could you please take your dirty socks upstairs?” is the request that comes from me upon finding that he has balled them yet again … Continue reading

Yes, You Can Talk Too Much (And Too Loudly)

I write often here in the Home Business Blog about communication—how to communicate well with customers, clients, prospects and vendors. We’ve talked about different types of words that work well and how to negotiate sales and contracts—not to mention how body language can affect our abilities to be effective in our businesses. But, after being in a store over the weekend and hearing an employee who just wouldn’t stop talking (and he was talking loudly too), I thought it might be a good idea to mention that, yes, a person CAN talk too much and too loudly in the business … Continue reading