Molding Future Adults

Amid the chaos of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture of parenting. Very easy. When you’re in the trenches dealing with your baby’s dirty diapers, your tween’s potty mouth and the host of other excrement that comes with raising children, it’s hard to focus on the fact that you are molding future adults. Well-adjusted, responsible, thoughtful, charitable, productive adults. That’s the goal. The challenge is looking beyond the moment. These moments. The times when it seems easier to give up, give in, or frankly, not give a damn, rather than digging deep to teach your … Continue reading

The Paradox of Good Parenting

Parenting is the most important job in the world. It is also the most difficult. The responsibilities inherent in the position of CEO of a multi-national corporation pale into insignificance when you consider the qualifications necessary for being a good parent. So why is parenting so hard? Parenting is hard simply because the skill level required to be an effective parent is very high. Only certain personality types are really suited to the job of parenting. A certain level of maturity is also required to adequately perform the role of parent. In short, a person applying for the position of … Continue reading

Multiply the Love – Double the Bonding

While I am not the mother of multiples, I did do some research into it because during the early portion of my pregnancy, they heard two heartbeats. For about six or seven weeks, we were under the impression that we were going to be parenting twins. When it comes to preemie twins, the bonding process can be slowed by the need for Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). With some preemies, they are so small and with premature infants, there is the fear that they will not make it. There is a lot of energy that is taken up when you … Continue reading