Oh Say Can You See

That’s me with glasses. That’s my daughter dying of embarrassment because I decided to wear said glasses in public. I bribed her to smile for the camera. Yes, I am that mom. The one who willingly mortifies her child in public by wearing specs her daughter views as “totally ugly” all in the name of safety.  Believe me; you don’t want to know what would happen if I were to drive without the lenses that help correct my 20/500 vision. Ironically, that same daughter, who so quickly denounces my looks when I opt to wear glasses instead of contacts, came … Continue reading

Timing Is Everything… Or Is It?

Racing against the clock is a futile exercise most parents endure while raising children. If time kicks your butt getting out the door in the morning, consider the consequences if you choose to ignore it when disciplining your kids. To be effective, discipline must immediately follow a child’s transgression… or so claims numerous childhood experts. Easy enough if you are dealing with a toddler whose actions are fairly simple to monitor.  Not so when your kids hit an age when they would rather you not be a constant presence in their lives. Or present at all. Parents of school age … Continue reading

The Sugar Rush Cometh

It’s Halloween in spring; otherwise known as Easter. Only, instead of going door-to-door to collect sweet treats, kids run around like decapitated chickens hunting for plastic eggs filled with chocolate goodness under bushes, in trees and behind rocks. If parents are lucky, their children will actually make it back to the hunt’s home base with at least a few pieces of uneaten candy to show for their efforts.  The unlucky moms and dads are left to pluck their kids from wherever it is they decide to plant their tiny tushes mid-hunt and picnic from a basket bulging with marshmallow chicks, … Continue reading

Happy Kids: Mission Impossible?

You’re familiar with the saying, “Happy wife, happy life,” but have you found the key to fostering that happiness? According to a new survey, happy kids beget happy moms/wives which beget happy husbands/dads. The equation seems simple enough until you factor in life’s discomforts, hardships and disappointments. I’d love for my child to be happy 24/7.  What parent wouldn’t?  After all, nothing makes most moms and dads happier than to see their children in high spirits. My own 8-year-old would love for her entire family to be happy every minute of every day and is visibly uncomfortable when that idealistic … Continue reading

Mastering the Fine Art of Delayed Gratification

My 8-year-old has the patience of… well, an 8-year-old. Actually, on many days her ability to wait without whining or complaining is more on par with a 4-year-old. She’d kill me if she knew I was comparing her to a preschooler.  Then again, I’ll probably die first from having to tolerate her incessant bellyaching each time she is asked to keep her composure while waiting for whatever it is she wants right NOW! And by now, she means the millisecond her request leaves her lips. During my daughter’s last well child check-up I discussed the issue of delayed gratification with … Continue reading

Do You Fight in Front of Your Kids?

How often do you quarrel in front of your children? If you follow old-school parental advice your answer would be: Never. But, this is the 21st century and these days child psychologists are singing a different tune when it comes to arguing in front of your kids. According to a new study, most children won’t experience serious psychological harm if they witness their parents fighting. In fact, the study, which was recently published in the Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology, suggests that children might actually benefit from watching their parents resolve problems. The reason, according to experts: Conflict happens … Continue reading

Thanks for Giving

For giving me the keys to the car last Saturday night, money for my field trip, a roof over my head, a closet full of clothes, three meals a day… Thanksgiving may be the only day of the year you hear those words uttered by your self-absorbed teenagers. Then again, you may happen to parent a child who defies typical teen-dom and actually demonstrates an attitude of gratitude on a daily basis. If this is the case, then you have one more thing to be thankful for next Thursday. Children aren’t the only ones who are guilty of taking things … Continue reading

Switching Off – A Parent’s Guide to Riding at Disney Parks

Do you know what switching off is? This is a great thing to be aware of before you go to the Disney amusement parks, especially those of you with young children who may or may not be up for a ride on Space Mountain. Switching off is supported by many of the larger rides and attractions at Disney and this is how it works: Want to Ride Space Mountain? Do you want to take your older kids on Space Mountain, but the younger pair isn’t up for the ride? Tell the first Disney attendant that you want to switch off. … Continue reading