Personal Day from School?

Do kids need to take personal days from school? I was watching “The View” the other day and they were talking about an episode on the sitcom, “The Middle.” The young boy asked his parents if he could take a personal day. Well that sparked a conversation between “The View” ladies about children being overscheduled. Actually, I tend to believe that there are times kids do need to take a personal day. I don’t have any hard-and-fast rules when it comes to this. But if one of my children has been working hard and doing well in school and hasn’t … Continue reading

Teenagers Aren’t the Only Ones Who Feel Pressure

Peer pressure is not something that just teenagers deal with. I think parents of teenagers can also feel pressure. Our pressure is a bit different but the way it feels is probably very similar. The pressure parents of teenagers have is related to the balance between parenting the way the world dictates and parenting the way we think is best. I have learned over the years of being a parent that not every decision I make will be appreciated. I’m not even talking about my children accepting my decisions. I am referring to decisions that I make as a parent … Continue reading