Selling Your Old Curriculum on Ebay

Are you a curriculum hoarder? Are you one to rid your shelves of the old to make a place for the new in record time? Or are you like me and have boxes filled with old curriculum with every intention to either sell it or find a good home for it? Whatever the case, at one time or another every homeschool parent needs to find a new home for old curriculum. I currently have enough homeschool curriculum and books for three boxes just waiting for me to decide what to do with. t? A popular method is to sell on … Continue reading

Cindy’s List Has A Wealth of Resources

Genealogy requires a lot of research. It is possible to fill in part of your family tree by asking your relatives for information that they know about the births, deaths, and marriage dates of other family members. If you are lucky, and someone in your family has been working on genealogy, you can get a good amount of information from that person. However, in most cases, if you are going to continue doing research about your family tree, it is going to require access to other resources. Cindy’s List can offer a plethora of resources for you, all in one … Continue reading

A Genealogist In The Family

It turns out that at least one of my relatives has been doing some genealogy on our family. I learned this when I was talking to that relative through the chat function on facebook. I had no idea that there was a genealogist in my family! Before you begin doing your own genealogy research, it is a good idea to ask your other family members if they have already started. Find out what has already been done. If possible, share what each of you has discovered about your family. This is a great way to expand your family tree, and … Continue reading

Online Resources for A.D.D.

There are a lot of online resources that can be found that can provide information about A.D.D.. There are blogs that provide links to articles about medication, social issues, and A.D.D. related news articles. There are websites that have factual information. There are magazines devoted to the subject of A.D.D., and even some quizzes that you can take to help determine if you have it. ADDitude This is a magazine about “living well with Attention Deficit”. You can access the articles online, or subscribe and have the magazine sent to your home. They provide factual information about A.D.D. such as … Continue reading

Free Genealogy Resources from iTunes

Do you know what a podcast is? It can be described as something like a radio show that someone does at home, with their own recording equipment. After recording, editing, and adding extra sounds and music, a person puts their podcast online, for people to listen to. A podcast can be about any subject at all. Many podcasts are educational. One nice thing about podcasts is that you can download and listen to them for absolutely free. One quick way to find podcasts is to look at the iTunes store. From here, you can do a search to find podcasts … Continue reading

Twitter Genealogy Resources for Outside the US

Twitter has more than genealogy resources that are relevant to the United States. You can also find genealogy related links to help extend your research into other countries. If working on your family tree has led you from somewhere in the United States to somewhere else in the world, these links might be useful in helping you learn about your ancestors. Here are some Twitter genealogy resources for outside the United States: @sandngenealogy is the Twitter name for S & N Genealogy. They are located in Chilmark, Wiltshire, in the UK. They tweet links to parish transcripts that have been … Continue reading

More Genealogy Resources on Twitter

Type the word “genealogy” into the “find people” search engine on Twitter, and you get around six pages of results to search through. Not all of them are actually relevant to genealogy, because there are no requirements that state that your Twitter name must match exactly what kind of information you tweet about. This means that you have to sort out the ones that are helpful from the ones that are not useful for you. Here are some more genealogy resources that you can find on Twitter: @geneateach is the Twitter name for a Genealogy Teacher from Chicago, Illinois. While … Continue reading

Gather What You Need to Make Your Own Decisions

I often write here in the Single Parents blog about how we naturally handle a lot of daily life details on our own, not to mention making some pretty major life decisions solo. This doesn’t always come easily for everyone and for many new single parents, it can be one of the toughest personal development leaps to make. I thought we might talk about ways to prepare yourself and build up your confidence for making decisions on your own. Many moons ago, when I was coupled/married, my decision-making process usually involved talking things over with my spouse. We would hash … Continue reading

Taking the Focus Off Ourselves for a While

Perhaps because I write so much about what is going on in my own little world, I often feel like I get pretty myopic. As a single parent, I might also be hypersensitive about myself and my life because I feel like I have to pay such close attention to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. That is probably why I think it can be so great to be able to let all that go for a while and focus on people and problems OUTSIDE my family and my little domestic scene. Getting out of my own world and … Continue reading

Resources for Responding to Racism

As a thirty-something raised in the Pacific Northwest, I have always known about racism, but seldom witnessed it. I lived a very sheltered childhood, and thirty-some years later still feel a bit of shock whenever I hear of a racist incident: “That happened here? Nowadays? Really?” My daughter’s Camp Fire group had a member who was adopted from Ethiopia. The mother and I began comparing adoption experiences. I was shocked when she told me her daughter had been experiencing blatant racism at school. Fellow second graders had been taunting her on the playground, “You don’t belong here. Go back where … Continue reading