Janet Jackson’s New Project

Janet Jackson is writing a new book. According to People Magazine, she is going to write about her weight problems and weight loss over the years. Having been a fan of Miss Janet’s for many years, I remember her great figure when Rhythm Nation was released. I also remember her subsequent weight gain. The videos for her next album showed a newly svelte Janet complete with ripped abs and belly baring fashions. Over the years, she has played the yo-yo with weight gain and weight loss. When she loses weight she looks fantastic but she has a tendency to really … Continue reading

If You Had A Thousand Dollars…

Fitness magazine recently polled readers and asked them what they would do if they had a thousand dollars to spend on fitness. Nearly half of the respondents would hand the money over to a personal trainer in order to get some motivation and personal attention for their workouts. Survey results included: 45% of respondents picked the personal trainer. 38% of respondents would buy a fancy piece of home gym equipment. 13% would take off on some sort of fitness adventure, like a hike or a mountain climb. 4% of respondents would use their thousand dollars to pay for a gym … Continue reading

10 Reasons to Consider Partner Training

What is partner training? If you’re thinking that it means you and your co-worker, you and your neighbor or just you and a friend working out together every day, you’d be close. Partner training is a system of checks and balances where you both provide and receive validation of your exercise program and someone to keep you on your toes and performing it. There are a lot of good reasons to partner train and we’re going to talk about the 10 best reasons. 10. Partner training doesn’t usually involve financial investment. You can power walk together every day, you can … Continue reading

Dear Heather … Hiring a Personal Trainer for Your Child

After a brief hiatus, our weekly Dear Heather … feature is returning to the fitness blog here at Families.com So if you have fitness questions, concerns or just want to know something, feel free to send it my way and I will do my best to get your questions answered. Dear Heather, I am very worried about my daughter. She’s 9 years old and she’s already much taller than most of the kids in her class or her age. But over the summer she started putting on weight and I know she is getting teased at school. I’m concerned about … Continue reading

Weight-Training and Weight-Training Safety

When it comes to working out, we explore the different options in order to give ourselves the best opportunities at health and fitness. Weight training is just such an opportunity. The primary rule of any weight training you do whether you are a beginner or more advanced lifter is to be safe. So let’s talk about weight training and weight training safety. Never Lifted Weights Before? If you’re a beginner who’s never lifted weights before, you need to work with a teacher or a personal trainer to learn how to lift weights correctly. The majority of injuries related to weight … Continue reading

Weight Training Leads to Longer Term Results

As you begin to explore your fitness options, you will discover that there are different answers to different fitness needs. Weight training is good for men and women and despite what many women may think, lifting weights can help with weight loss and toning shape so that clothes fit better and look better. Weight training is also a great way to build endurance, health and more. Before you start weight training, however you need to figure out where to start. Weight training requires proper form and execution; it’s also something you build up to. Before you dive into any fitness … Continue reading

Telephone Coaches – 1-800-Get Physical?

The number above is not real, but it’s based on a new concept in fitness that gives exercise enthusiasts and beginners a fresh take on personal coaching. We’ve talked about online coaches and personal trainers; we’ve talked about working with personal trainers at your gym. Now there’s a new ingredient in the mix that just might appeal to you, they call it the telephone coach. What is a Telephone Coach? A telephone coach involves hiring someone that can provide you with advice and motivation to keep it going on your fitness program. They are experts in psychology as well as … Continue reading

Personal Fitness – Make it Fit Your Personality

Does not knowing what fitness program is best for you make picking out a regular fitness activity hard? Do you find that the broad selection of workouts, fitness trends and more an almost impossible plethora of ideas? Instead of getting overwhelmed by the options, embrace them. The thing about personal fitness is you can make it fit your personality – that’s why it’s great that we have so many options. Here are some suggestions to help you discover what activities fit your personal fitness personality best. Is variety the spice of life to you? Do you enjoy socialization and group … Continue reading

Different Dieting Styles

Diets come in just as many different shapes and sizes as dieters do. There are several different types of dieting styles available to those looking to lose weight. The trick is finding out enough to know which one is right for you. Today I’ll touch on several different styles of weight loss programs that are available. Online Weight Loss You’ve all see the ads for weight loss programs that you participate in online. These programs are very convenient for those of us who are attached to a computer all day and they are also very private. There are no meetings … Continue reading

4 Ways to Maximize a Personal Training Session

Okay, great – you’ve found a personal trainer to work with. Now what? Well, obviously you have scheduled a series of sessions. Many trainers like to book their sessions in blocks – so whether you have scheduled 2 sessions or 4 – there are ways to maximize your time spent with the personal trainer. Here are 4 things that you, as the client, should do to help you get the most for the money, time and training you are paying and receiving. Take Notes – Yes, there will be a quiz. Whether you write the notes down or you get … Continue reading