Photo Album Revelation

In a previous blog I admitted to being a snap happy parent. I also noted that since my daughter’s birth (more than 3 years ago) I have taken nearly 9,000 photos of her. That’s 9,000 printed images that have been sorted and placed in photo albums or frames. Needless to say my photo album collection is quite vast. Given that the average photo album holds up to 200 4×6 pictures (I do have some that hold up to 500-plus) I have roughly 40 albums sitting on a single bookcase in my living room. I would love to say that each … Continue reading

Reusing Old Photo Albums

Always one for a cheap solution to a common problem, I found some ways to recycle and reuse, my old photo albums. I put them to good use, turning them into scrapbook albums, that are fun and fancy and work just as well. The benefits of reusing a typical photo album, are excellent. First, an old photo album, is typically described, as a three ring binder style album, that is filled with, what are referred to, as magnet pages. Those are the sticky pages in which you place photographs and then cover with the clear plastic sheet, provided within. To … Continue reading

Of Photos and Nostalgia

When I graduated from high school, my grandfather gave me a photo album that he had put together. In it was a photo history of my life, from birth to graduation, with hand-typed text describing the photos and what he remembered about each date. He put everything in an expandable album, and the idea was for me to continue to add to it over the years. I did a pretty good job through my college years, but then I got behind. The cover quote is: “Like gentle waves Returning to the sunlit shore… Sweet memories returning To the heart once … Continue reading