Taking Better Pictures of Your Cat (3)

We’ve discussed three tips already that will help with better photographs of your cat, but there are still a few more to talk about. Cats are harder than other animals to photograph, only because of their independent nature, and the fact that they tend to not enjoy cooperating much. Not to say that all cats are that way, but in my experience they just tend to be more difficult than other animals to photograph. So what else can you do besides avoiding use of the flash, good lighting, and getting down to their eye level. Avoid Treats, Use Toys Toys … Continue reading

Taking Better Photographs of Your Cat (2)

Getting that perfect picture of your cat is hard, since cats tend to be independent little creatures, that only cooperate when it suits them. Not that we don’t totally love them for it, but it sure is hard when you want that great photograph. In Taking Better Photographs of Your Cat (1), I showed you one of my favorite photographs of my cat, Maple. However, as you could see from the picture, it really isn’t a great shot. Too bright of a background, even though it made her clearer in the photograph (dark subject on light background), and because of … Continue reading

Snapshot Of A New Photography Blogger

Your house is on fire! Besides your family members (pets included), what’s the one item you would try to save on the way out? My answer: My photo album. Okay, albums—as many as possible. My firefighter brother would frown upon my answer as he constantly warns people not to grab anything when fleeing a burning building, but then again photography is not his passion like it is mine. My name is Michele Cheplic and I will be joining Nicole Humphrey (who, by the way is doing an incredible job) here in the photography blog. Some of you may know me … Continue reading

Fun with Photography

Many people have the false impression that photography is hard work, and while it can be, especially when you are first learning, it is also a fun hobby. You can get so creative with your camera, your view and your subject that you can have a lot of fun with photography. Here are some fun ways to get creative and take some great shots. Candid Shots Candid shots are so much fun. They are also the most often taken pictures. Focus on capturing the moment that is happening in front of the lens, and not trying so hard to get … Continue reading

Easter Pictures For Scrapbooking

Easter is a special time of year. It is probably the most celebrated holiday in the Christian faith. A time for new beginnings and new life, it is a time for celebrating Christ. It is also a time for family traditions, typical Easter celebrations and attending Church services. There are so many wonderful family traditions and celebrations that can be photographed at this time of year. Remember to use your camera and take lots of pictures this week, to commemorate your Easter memories and create beautiful layouts with. Church – Don’t leave your camera at home. Take it with you … Continue reading

Where To Get Your Photographs Developed (2)

Continuing from yesterday’s article, Where To Get Your Photographs Developed, this article will continue to show you the basic types of photo labs and places available for processing your film and getting digital prints printed. While there are many options, these articles discuss only the most basic options. Commercial Photo Labs Generally these are not available to the general public, however they are used for the general public. These are the labs that major discount stores, grocery stores and pharmacies send the film to process, when you drop it off for anything other than one hour service. Commercial photo labs … Continue reading

Where To Get Your Photographs Developed (1)

As scrapbookers, our most prized possessions usually include our photographs. Priceless picture of our memories that cannot ever be replaced if something should happen to them. Sure, you can keep the memory in your mind and heart, but nothing can capture a story like a photograph. Do you ever wonder where the best place to get your photographs developed, actually is? Do you ever get nervous dropping off a roll of film, wondering if the photographs will turn out? Will they lose the film? Or when you upload your digital prints online, or burn them to CD and take them … Continue reading

Family Photos: Posed or Natural?

Many times when we attempt to take a photograph of our children or the whole family, we stage the photo. We want everyone to strike the perfect pose, get in just the right position, and give us a perfect smile. Sometimes posed photographs turn out nice. Other times, not so much. Personally, I’ve found that the best way to make a staged photo work is to make everyone laugh just before you snap the picture. Calling out something silly like, “Everybody say Krabby Patties!” usually works on the little ones. Whatever it takes. If you get everybody to laugh then … Continue reading

Creating a Child’s Website

I remember when I first became divorced, suddenly my time of managing the kids, house, job, friends, and family was a little overwhelming. I kept thinking there had to be a way to share information and pictures about the kids without the time and money involved with pictures and letters. After thinking and thinking, it dawned on me that I could use the internet. I started researching my options and found all kinds of wonderful options. With each, I could write blogs, full articles, share photographs, send out announcements and invitations, post recipes, you name it, and I could probably … Continue reading

The Photograph

That night I remember not being able to sleep at all. I tossed and turned and couldn’t get the thought out of my head that I was going to “see” her the next day. It was what I had been waiting for. Of course beyond that I was just trying to process all the information he had given to us. I was his granddaughter. There was no doubt about that. But he hadn’t seen my mother for all these years. Now what? The next morning as we drove out to Magnolia again, I couldn’t help but be nervous. Even though … Continue reading