Pet First Aid: Spider Bites

A spider crawled out from underneath the stove last night and chased me around the kitchen. Like the calm, brave person I am, I screamed for the dogs to save me. They sat and watched the show. Their lack of reaction to a spider got me thinking about spider bites. Most spider bites are uncomfortable, but not dangerous — you can treat them pretty much the same way you would treat a bee sting or wasp sting. Relieve the pain and reduce the swelling. Keep an eye out for an infection developing at the bite site. If your pet is … Continue reading

Poisonous Spiders

In light of how many spider webs I’ve walked into lately, I thought it might be a good time to familiarize myself with poisonous spiders. There are eight fairly common poisonous spiders in the United States. Most spiders bite when threatened — they don’t tend to run around chomping on people otherwise. Widow spiders are probably the most common kind of poisonous spider in the United States. They are approximately the size of a blueberry, and have the infamous red hourglass shape on their undersides. Body color and hourglass shape vary from one species to another. Widow spider venom is … Continue reading

Home Pest Control: Spiders

Many spiders are fairly harmless unless a person is sensitive to spider bites. In fact, spiders can be useful as they help control other insects. However, some spiders are venomous and can cause severe reactions, especially in small children, the elderly, or people in poor health or with compromised immune systems. Some people are also allergic. There are some things you can do to help decrease the spider population in your home and lessen the chance of being bitten by a spider. The first step is to dust and vacuum thoroughly and regularly, especially in corners, crevices, and out of … Continue reading