The Secret Language of Boogers

As yucky as it may be, mucus is good for you. It helps keep your nasal passages moist and it helps protect you from infections by trapping foreign matter. When I first started seeing an allergist (I was around five; my brother was around three), he told us to look at our snot every time we blew our noses. Old habits die hard; more than twenty years later, I’m still a booger looker. The color of the stuff coming out of your nose can tell you a thing or two about your health. Clear mucus If your boogers are clear, … Continue reading

What Is Post Nasal Drip?

Here’s a really gross fact for you: the glands in your nose and throat produce one to two quarts of mucus a day. In as little as two days, you can produce a gallon of snot. Mucus is actually a good thing for your nose and throat. It helps keep things moist and clean up in your nose. Mucus can help humidify air and trap foreign matter. Mucus is actually a good infection fighter because it traps things that could cause you to get ill. Usually, we swallow mucus without thinking about it. But the feeling of it collecting in … Continue reading