Improve Your Posture in Just Ten Minutes

You don’t have to spend hours to improve your posture — and prevent back problems. In just ten minutes a day, you can straighten and strengthen your back. Every morning, take a minute to look in the mirror. Stand facing sideways and make sure everything is aligned. Your ears, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles should form a straight line. If they don’t, straighten up and see if you can get everything into place. Do this every day and your body will start to remember how it feels to be aligned correctly. When you get to work, check your posture. It … Continue reading

Back Busters Around the House

Suffering from occasional or chronic back pain? The cause might be something around the house. Housework can be a strain on your back — all that bending and stretching and twisting! Before you start your chores, do a little stretching. Warming up before your workout can help prevent an injury. Be sure you’re lifting from the knees and pushing safely — with your whole body. Step forward and back when vacuuming — don’t just shove it back and forth. Handle extenders can help make reaching high windows and corners safe and easy. Get help. Whether you have the spouse and … Continue reading

Sit Up Straight, Or Sit Back And Relax?

Sit up straight! How many times have you heard that one throughout your life? But leaning back may be better for you than sitting up straight, according to a study from the University of Alberta Hospital in Canada. The study looked at three sitting positions: leaning forward, sitting up straight with your back at a ninety degree angle, and leaning back at a 135 degree angle. The forward-leaning and straight upright angles actually reverse your spine’s natural curve, putting pressure on your back. That can squeeze your spinal disks together, leading to long term back problems. Sitting in a slightly … Continue reading

More Computer Fitness Tips

We’ve been talking about maintaining our fitness even as we work at home or in the office sitting behind desks and looking at computers all day. It may be great to type a 180 words per minute, but if your health is suffering and your overall sense of well being and fitness are declining – then let’s focus on something a little more proactive than typing fast. More Computer Fitness Tips Let’s talk about getting healthier in your daily habits whether you sit in front of the computer screen or not. This is important, especially if you spend a large … Continue reading

Preventing Neck and Back Injuries

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people will see a physician for back pain some time in their life? As anyone who has had a problem with their back can tell you: it’s a problem, and it’s debilitating. Taking care of your back is serious business, but often we take it for granted. Often, a lot of our problems with our neck and back could be prevented if we were more aware of (and nicer to) our bodies. Let’s start with posture. Your mother, and your piano teacher, knew what they were talking about when they said “don’t … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Clean out your shoes

Ok, if I asked you how many pairs of shoes you own, how many of you could give me an honest answer? Do you have a few select pairs that you always depend on, or do you have a mountain in your closet that you dig through everyday for the perfect pair? Now, the harder question. Once you get that perfect pair on, are they killing your feet before the end of the day? Yes, fashion is important. Comfort is more important. If your shoes don’t fit properly you’re costing yourself. In the name of fashion women will commit all … Continue reading

Stay Healthy And Sane At The Office

It can be hard to head back to work after the weekend. You had two glorious days to do whatever you wanted… and now you’re back on somebody else’s time. It can be stressful and discouraging — and encourage unhealthy habits! Here are some tips to help keep you healthy and sane on Monday morning and beyond. Try to add a fifteen minute physical break to your daily schedule. Whether you walk up and down the stairs, do laps of the parking lot, or gather your friends in the break room for some stretching, do something physical! Studies show that … Continue reading

Pointing at our Posture

We’ve talked about posture here before. We’ve talked about listening to our mothers and our grandmothers who told us to sit up straight were doing more than nagging us, they were trying to drill into us a healthy form of behavior that pays off throughout our lifetime. How, do you ask? Well, let me share this little nugget of information with you: Our good posture is the result of natural skeletal balance that is maintained by muscles strong enough to hold us upright. It is impossible for a person to have good posture and not be relatively fit. Good posture … Continue reading

Don’t Be a Slouch

Do you remember your mother telling you to sit up straight? Do you remember when she said for you to stop slouching? My mother was always after me and I had absolutely retched posture. You’d think years of dancing and working out would have made a difference, nope, I slouched like a 90-year-old woman with a bent spine. Want to know how badly I slouched? A year and a half ago, proper posture was added to my workout and I gained almost a quarter of an inch in height. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over that. But … Continue reading