Should You Can Bathroom Humor Or Let It Rip?

Yesterday, I was driving in the car with the kids when something hilarious happened. Dylan had made up a game where he would choose a letter and we would go back and forth naming words that start with that letter. The first letter that he chose happened to be the letter “f”. This humble letter which starts off fabulous words like fun, football, and fruit had me in stitches when I caught myself asking Dylan if he “had any other f – words for me”. Fortunately, despite the fact that I nearly wet my pants while laughing about that, Dylan … Continue reading

Thinking About Potty Training

One of the joys of toddlerhood is potty training. Oh joy! Most toddlers are potty trained before they’re three. However, some toddlers are ready earlier while others don’t show signs of being ready until much later. So what’s a parent to do? The child may not be able to enter preschool if he or she is not potty trained. That’s a huge incentive for the parents, but not necessarily the child. One of the signs of readiness is when the child doesn’t like wearing a dirty diaper. I’m so lucky. My daughter doesn’t care and fights changing. Strike one! Another … Continue reading

When Mommy Goes Potty, Does Baby Go Too?

I’ve decided that, if any mother claims she has never brought her baby to the bathroom with her when she pees, she’s lying. Obviously it’s not something we go around proclaiming. “My baby sits on my lap while I pee!” or, “When I’m going number 2, my son continues to sleep in the front pack. He doesn’t even seem to notice the smell. ” Still, I’m pretty confident every mother has done it at least once. During the newborn stage, especially if your baby is in some type of carrier or sling, it’s simply easier to keep them bundled in … Continue reading

Strange Potty Breaks

My 5-year-old is not big on using “strange” potties. And by strange I mean public. Automatic-flush toilets freak her out, and wouldn’t you know that nearly every public restroom we’ve ever had to use featured these high-tech commodes. Whereas I appreciate not having to see the remnants of a previous user’s bowels in a public toilet, clearly the designers of automatic-flush potties were not thinking of how scary it would be for a child to sit on a device that sounds as though it could suck them down whole if he or she takes too long going number one (or … Continue reading

A Rather Mundane Life

Sometimes I am stunned by the absolutely mundane nature of my child-raising problems. Today it’s pull-ups. You see, due to the great wonders of elimination communication, my daughter has been using the toilet during the day time for ages. However, we have had no such success at night, and attempts to wake her to go to the bathroom have resulted in an irritable child, an irritable parent, and no success in the realm of night time toilet training. As a child, I had huge difficulties getting up to use the toilet at night, mostly due to an extreme fear of … Continue reading

Toddler Gets Stuck in Potty

My toddler nephew has fallen into the potty more than once. The tales of his recovery have not been pretty, which is why I think my preschool daughter clings to the sides of the toilet for dear life whenever she has to relieve herself. Still, all of my nephew’s falls have been accidental, which is more than I can say for 3-year-old Rebecca Rogers. Like many curious tots her age, the inquisitive little girl couldn’t resist peering into the toilet at her family’s UK home. Though, instead of using the commode to pee, the toddler decided it could be put … Continue reading

Adventures in Potty Training: Day 1: Evening

How do you manage potty training when someone else has to take over? This is a bit of the dilemma we faced going into the evening on Day 1. I am happy to report that our little one made it through his nap completely dry. I put training underwear on him for his nap (thick cotton underwear, not pull up diapers). Because I didn’t want to risk the couch where he normally naps, I set up a tent in the living room and placed a thick blanket inside the tent. Fortunately the blanket wasn’t needed. Things went well for the … Continue reading

Adventures in Potty Training: Day 1, Morning

Well, the day has finally arrived. It is time to potty train our youngest child. Here are my experiences and adventures, practically as they happen. I have been waiting for the weather to warm up past the 50 degree mark for a stretch of at least three days before I started potty training. This is because I have found that one of the quickest methods for training involves letting the child run around with a long shirt on and a bare bottom, something that just doesn’t work when it is cold. It so happens that we are in the middle … Continue reading

Just when I thought it was safe to go Potty…

I know I’m not the only one who looked forward to days when I could have a few moments alone in the bathroom, without knocks on the door or little fingers wriggling underneath it. My youngest still talks to me through the door occasionally, but I’ve actually been able to brush my teeth or take care of other things at times, without interruption. It’s a glorious phase of motherhood, when you can use the restroom all alone (and even use words like restroom instead of “potty”). Is potty a noun or verb or both anyway? Of course, I have tried … Continue reading

Weight a Minute! – The Process of Elimination

Today’s weight: 261.8, down 1.4 pounds since last Monday Yes, in fact, this blog is exactly what you think it’s about. Elimination, or, as my children might say, going potty. A crucial element of weight loss is found in going to the bathroom. We carry around a lot of waste in our bowels, and if we can’t properly move it through, it becomes part of the baggage. When this is the case, our bowels become distended and uncomfortable, and they cause our stomachs to pooch out (most unattractively) in front. In addition, as you start your weight loss program and … Continue reading